Is It So Good Always And In Everything To Be The First

Is It So Good Always And In Everything To Be The First
Is It So Good Always And In Everything To Be The First

The desire to be the first can be safely called the engine of the development of society. However, when it comes to an individual person, do not forget about human qualities, otherwise envy can become a constant companion of vanity.

Sports victory
Sports victory

Superiority has always moved a person forward, regardless of his moral principles, financial condition and physical development. Perhaps the desire to be the first is a kind of motor, pushing up and forward towards the goal. However, there are also negative aspects of this concept. But first, you need to make out the pros.

Desire to be first: good

If the cave ancestors of man did not strive for perfection, say, housing, food, tools, then modern mankind would have remained to climb trees and eat half-baked meat. Why is this happening? For example, in order to get the most beautiful woman, a primitive man needs to show himself as an alpha male and successfully score a "dinner" so that the lady can be convinced of his ability to feed his family and fight off enemies. This is where the desire to be the first arises.

What has changed over thousands of years? Nothing!

A person, in order to get all the best, must become the best. Therefore, it is not always good when parents constantly make comments to the child, if he begins to show his leadership qualities too actively. In the future, such character traits will help an adult to pave the way, for example, to a successful career. On the other hand, you should not support and advertise this too much, since leadership can grow into permissiveness. However, rivalry must be present at school, because it is not for nothing that schoolchildren are given certificates for academic success. What can we say about diligence in sports. Rivalry is also used successfully by employers who cheer up their employees with bonuses and extra days off.

Desire to be first: bad

What can be attributed to this? There are many cons, but they depend on the person himself. The well-known "star fever" killed a large amount of friendship, love, affection. If a person has achieved excellence in any business, then it is better not to turn up your nose, but to help people. If pride has won, then you should know that envy (moreover, of the darkest color) and gloating will become a constant companion of the winner. And there will always be people who are ready to put a "pig" or rejoice at every careless step, substitute the bandwagon and just twist their souls.

Therefore, climbing the ladder of primacy, the main thing is not to lose your humanity on the way and always be ready to come to the aid of those who need support and help, but at the same time not to harm others.
