How We Affect Climate Change

How We Affect Climate Change
How We Affect Climate Change

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Ecology is a science that few people pay attention to. For millennia of cultural activity, people are used to thinking that the planet is so huge, and its properties are so constant, that you can do whatever you want: the Earth will be restored. But the human impact on nature and climate in the last couple of hundred years has become so intense that serious climate changes can already be observed. In the future, this process promises to only intensify.

How We Affect Climate Change
How We Affect Climate Change


Step 1

The weather reports that clearly illustrate the state of affairs on the planet with the climate today cannot but surprise. You can constantly hear about all kinds of anomalies: "the highest temperature in March in the last hundred years", "the highest level of precipitation in July for the entire time of observations", "abnormally late winter" … In December and January in Russia, in cities where at this time it snows, you can see clean streets. But snowfalls paralyze neighboring countries, the climate of which is usually much warmer. Droughts, which have seriously hampered agriculture in some regions, combined with torrential rains and floods in others, make one think that climate change is more than just an abnormally warm winter. The entire economy of mankind depends on the climate. The more serious its changes, the less a person is ready for them, the higher the likelihood of hunger and major man-made disasters.

Step 2

The influence of humans on climate can be divided into two categories. The first of these is local impact. These are soil erosion, drainage of swamps, destruction of certain types of flora and fauna, pollution of rivers and air, depletion of land and other similar types of influence. The second category is global climate change. The set of factors from the first group eventually accumulates and reaches a critical mass, the influence spreads beyond a certain region of the planet and changes it as a whole.

Step 3

Massive deforestation and an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have led to the so-called "greenhouse effect", due to which the average air temperature on the planet has risen. Because of this, the polar ice began to melt intensively. This, in turn, leads to the fact that the water level in the oceans rises, and cold streams from melting ice affect warm currents - especially the Gulf Stream suffers from this, thanks to which many countries in Europe and all the states of the Caribbean can boast of a rather mild climate.

Step 4

An increase in the content of greenhouse gases (methane, carbon dioxide) is fraught with the fact that precipitation decreases on the continental parts of the planet. The circulation of the atmosphere over the planet is changing. Therefore, unpredictable droughts and abnormally high summer temperatures in some areas are not so rare.

Step 5

Forests and the oceans are able to partially neutralize the negative industrial impact, since phytoplankton absorbs methane and carbon dioxide, and trees are not for nothing called the lungs of the planet - it is they who produce the oxygen so necessary for most living organisms. But pollution of the oceans by dumping waste there and deforestation prevent nature from compensating for human influence.

Step 6

Despite the fact that there are many people who are trying to dispute the influence of people on the problem of global warming, the negative impact of the anthropogenic factor on the climate is still an indisputable factor. The consequences of climate change are not only droughts or rains, they are also man-made disasters. Already today, a significant part of accidents at oil production enterprises in the north of Russia is associated with the fact that the permafrost is thawing, and the piles, on which all structures are held, sometimes reduce the bearing capacity by almost half.
