How To Get A Place In A Hostel In

How To Get A Place In A Hostel In
How To Get A Place In A Hostel In

You can get a place in a hostel by submitting an application to the administration of an educational institution or other organization with which an employment or educational relationship has been formalized. In this case, the applicant must comply with a number of requirements established by housing legislation.

How to get a place in a hostel in 2017
How to get a place in a hostel in 2017

The provision of a place in a hostel is one of the measures of social and consumer services, which is applied to employees, employees, as well as students of some educational organizations. Dormitories belong to a specialized housing stock, therefore, places in them are provided exclusively for the duration of study, work or service. At the same time, the current housing legislation establishes only the basic provisions regarding the distribution of places in hostels, and most of the regulation is attributed to the organizations themselves, which have the corresponding living quarters at their disposal. As a rule, in these organizations there is an independently developed regulation on the hostel.

What documents are required to obtain a place in the hostel

To qualify for a place in a dormitory, a student, employee or employee must provide evidence of a relevant relationship with the organization that runs the dormitory. The formal basis for allocating a place is a handwritten statement, which contains a request for a place in a hostel, specifies the specific circumstances that cause the need for a living space. After consideration of the application by the administration of the hostel, a decision is made, on the basis of which a contract for the lease of living quarters in the hostel can be concluded. Upon termination of educational, service or labor relations, the specified contract is terminated.

What you need to know when applying for a place in a hostel

When writing an application for the provision of living space in a hostel, you need to know that the minimum living space per person living in this type of premises is six square meters. At the same time, the general condition for making a positive decision on the provision of a place in a hostel is the absence of another living quarters for a student, employee or employee in the settlement in which the corresponding activity is carried out. The contract for the lease of residential premises is concluded for the period of study or work, if the specified period is known in advance. If the duration of such relations is not determined, then their termination is an independent basis for termination of the contract and eviction, which is directly enshrined in housing legislation.
