What Is Coat Of Arms

What Is Coat Of Arms
What Is Coat Of Arms

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The seal certifies the authenticity of documents. What does the coat of arms certify? Probably a genuine respect for the history of your family, company, city or country. A coat of arms drawing is an image written in accordance with all heraldic rules, which helps to show the continuity of times and traditions.

What is coat of arms
What is coat of arms


Step 1

The origin of the word "coat of arms" is quite interesting. Like many other foreign words, this term came to us from the German language, where "ebre" meant "inheritance". This is not surprising, since the feudal family coat of arms passed from father to son as inherited property.

Step 2

Usually the coat of arms consists of the so-called shield and the outside. This is also due to the fact that initially the knights painted their coats of arms on battle shields. There are several common shield shapes. It is a Varangian form in the form of a triangle, a massive square Spanish form. Also found in French, Italian and German. When writing the coat of arms, the so-called "principle of the inverse aspect ratio" is practiced. This is done so that the direction of the pattern on the coat of arms goes to the right heraldic side. The fact is that, if placed incorrectly, the moving figure depicted on the shield will not attack the enemy, but, on the contrary, run away from him at full speed.

Step 3

Traditionally, a certain color scheme was used for the coat of arms. Two metals - gold and silver, two furs and five colored enamels - this is the minimum set that has long been used to create any coat of arms. If real gold was too expensive, then yellow paint was used instead. The same was true in the case of silver.

What is coat of arms
What is coat of arms

Step 4

The appearance of the coat of arms as a corporate symbol in the life of medieval Europe dates back to the XIV century. It was then that heraldry penetrates into public life, becomes closer to art and literature. Urban artisans form guilds and associations. The prototype of the modern uniform appears. For example, London butchers sported blue and white liveries, and bakers in green. Furriers were able to place ermine fur on the image of their coat of arms. Soon all over Europe were full of "armes parlantes" - vowel coats of arms, which usually depicted the tools of production of a particular workshop and heraldic symbols.

Step 5

It should be noted that the coat of arms as a symbol of community and power was appreciated not only by merchants or knights, but also by the church. The image of the crossed keys of St. Peter, tied with a gold cord on a red shield under the papal tiara, became the coat of arms of the Vatican. This coat of arms is valid to this day.
