Sapphire is a very beautiful gemstone, which is why it is often counterfeited. But sapphire differs from other stones in its unique features and properties.

It is necessary
- - sapphire or its fake;
- - refractometer.
Step 1
If you want to know if your jewel is sapphire, use an instrument that measures the refraction of light - a refractometer. Sapphire has a refractive index of approximately 1, 762-1, 778. Do not forget that sapphire is corundum. In terms of hardness, it ranks second after diamond, so sapphire is harder than all its imitations. If you have a stone with a Moss hardness of 8.5, run it over the corundum. Not the slightest trace will remain on a real sapphire. Blue corundum is most similar to aquamarine and tanzanite, but tanzanite is reddish and aquamarine is greenish.
Step 2
Take a closer look at your stone if you want to distinguish cultured sapphire from natural one. The artificial one does not have any inclusions, gas bubbles are visible in it. To obtain synthetic stones, many manufacturers use titanium, so under ultraviolet rays, "titanium" sapphire will be greenish. Natural blue corundum has white reflections that the synthetic mineral lacks
Step 3
A distinctive feature of some artificial sapphires is curvilinear zoning, which is not found in natural stones. Also, synthetic minerals can contain inclusions of platinum, gold and copper. Hydrothermal corundums have an irregular growth microstructure. However, manufacturers are trying to improve the process of growing stones, so only a specialist can confidently distinguish an artificial mineral from a natural one.
Step 4
Synthetic stones are more beautiful than natural ones. The chemical composition of natural and artificial minerals is the same, but the grown ones do not have external defects and inclusions, their color is purer and deeper. Real gemstones are certified - another sign that distinguishes them from counterfeits. Think of the price of your sapphire, real blue corundum costs from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.