How To Tell Rye From Wheat

How To Tell Rye From Wheat
How To Tell Rye From Wheat

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Cereals, especially rye and wheat, are ingredients in many medicines. Including those that a person can cook with their own hands. However, a modern city dweller is not always well versed in such plants, especially since rye and wheat have many varieties. However, these cultures are markedly different from each other.

How to tell rye from wheat
How to tell rye from wheat


ears or seedlings of rye and wheat


Step 1

Sprout the grains. Donate a couple of tiny plants and carefully dig them out of the ground. It is still difficult to distinguish them by color, but count the roots. Rye has four, wheat has only three. If you are low on grains and fear for a future harvest, plant the plants back. They will take root perfectly.

Step 2

If you missed the moment and it is already a pity to pull the shoots out of the ground, wait for the first leaves. These two cultures will have different colors. The rye leaf is colored reddish, and in some varieties it can be bluish or bluish. It depends not only on the variety, but also on the conditions, primarily on the temperature. The first true leaves of wheat, regardless of the variety, are green in color, and quite bright. And it practically does not depend on external conditions.

Step 3

It may be that you need to distinguish between these plants when they have already grown up, but not yet ripe. Rye is the tallest of the cereals, but there are also quite tall varieties of wheat, so this is not a very striking difference. Pay attention to the color. Unripe rye is colored gray, wheat - green.

Step 4

Consider the ears. In both plants, they are complex, but very different in structure. An ear of rye and some varieties of durum wheat has vertical awns. But in rye they are long and almost strictly vertical. Wheat spines are much shorter. In some hard varieties, they are also vertical, while in others, they are directed in different directions. An ear of rye is located on a "rod" that consists of separate fragments with protrusions. There are small spikelets on the ledges. Consider them. Each should have 3 flowers, and one of them is undeveloped. In wheat, you will see two spikelet scales. Behind each of them are several identical flowers. Their number varies in different varieties from two to seven. In addition, in soft wheat varieties, awns are directed upward and to the sides. Wheat flowers self-pollinate, unlike rye, which is carried by the wind

Step 5

Consider the caryopsis of both plants. Both rye and wheat have a simple single-seeded fruit, but it has a different shape. Wheat has a thick and short caryopsis, almost round in cross section. In rye, it is long and thin.
