Even ancient people built tree houses, so they escaped from some predators and other enemies. Nowadays, dwellings above the ground can be found in many countries. For some people, this is eccentricity, for others - business, for others - a way to stand out, but some try to escape from the world in this way.

You can also order a tree house in Russia. Several companies across the country are building above ground shelters. Small children's huts, summer verandas and houses for living are being built. For example, in the Moscow region, such fantasy dwellings are being built by Amazon Tree Houses. The largest tree house was built by Horace Burgess in Tennessee. The dwelling has grown around the trunk of a 25-meter giant oak, its thickness is 4 meters. But it was not without the help of other trees. There is even a belfry at the top of the house, which weighs two tons. Pilgrims from all over the world climb the bell tower every day. The house has ten floors, built from the remnants of lumber and various boards of different sizes. In Westphalen, Germany, there is also a pretty house, nestled on the thick branches of a huge oak tree. And in Canada, Tom Chadley constructs fantastic balls that he hangs from trees. These spheres consist of a timber frame covered with epoxy resin fiberglass "leather". These balls have electricity and a telephone, while the larger options are furnished with ordinary furniture and have a sink and refrigerator. There was also the tallest tree house, consisting of two platforms. They were located at more than sixty meters above the ground. This home was built by environmentalists in Tasmania to raise awareness of Australia's uncontrolled deforestation. You will find a tree-lamp house, sparkling in the dark, in Toronto. Hotels above the ground are rapidly becoming fashionable. They are in India, for example. The rise to the rooms is via a water lift. The hotel is equipped with every comfort and is one of the top 5 tree hotels. In some places, such houses are the norm. In Papua, most dwellings are located 10-15 meters above the ground. In these places, this is the only way to escape from bloodthirsty predators and mosquitoes. The experience and skill of building tree houses are passed on there from generation to generation. In Japan, for a long time, several architects have been working on projects for huts above the ground, because the Japanese are accustomed to miniature houses and saving space. One of these houses is located on the island of Hokkaido.