Why Do We Need Swear Words

Why Do We Need Swear Words
Why Do We Need Swear Words

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Within the framework of the Russian language, there is an interesting phenomenon: a special type of speech that is not welcomed in society, but, nevertheless, is widely used by certain segments of the population. This is an extensive layer of taboo vocabulary, or, to put it simply, mate. The reason for its existence, according to experts, is more likely to be found in the field of psychology than linguistics.

Why do we need swear words
Why do we need swear words


Step 1

Rare parents do not inspire their child that it is impossible to use swear words, but, growing up, some people still swear. There are those who use profanity only in a state of strong emotional arousal, and there are also individuals who consider the mat suitable for everyday household use, although they are well aware that society does not approve of such a position.

Step 2

As a rule, people use taboo vocabulary in order to show their strength and independence: cultural boundaries mean nothing to them! But behind the external bravado is mostly a need for protection and an attempt to overcome internal self-doubt. A person resorts to the use of forbidden words when he is internally scared, feels insecure. This is a kind of way to cheer yourself up and hide your inner state behind the outer "coolness".

Step 3

In addition, obscene language signals the interlocutor about the increased aggressiveness of the one who uses it. On a subconscious level, the transition from swearing to fighting seems more logical and quicker than from correct phrases expressed in literary language. A person who subconsciously perceives himself as weaker, begins to demonstrate to the interlocutor his strength and aggressiveness with the help of various external techniques, including mate.

Step 4

It is sometimes believed that uncultured, uneducated people who are not able to find enough literary words to express their thoughts are inclined to use taboo vocabulary. But nevertheless, one should not talk about a direct connection between the cultural level of the speaker and the frequency of the use of curses in speech. The fact is that obscene words and expressions perfectly express the mood and feelings of the speaker, they have a strong emotional and expressive coloring. But they cannot be called significant in the full sense of the word. If you try to express your thought completely in argot, and even outside the speech context, the listener will most likely not understand what exactly is being said. This means that such words cannot serve as full-fledged substitutes for literary expressions.

Step 5

Nevertheless, an indirect connection between the cultural level of a person and the frequency of his use of profanity still exists. As a rule, such a problem exists in people who were brought up in an atmosphere of lack of love, in a family where it was not customary to talk about their feelings, where they were not understood and accepted. It is quite natural that such people, growing up, acquire the psychology of a fist fighter. They tend to perceive the world as hostile, and in order not to be considered weak and not trying to attack, they use obscene expressions in their speech, behind which are hidden the inability and fear to express themselves and open up to the world.
