Is It Possible To Put Video Surveillance In A Kindergarten

Is It Possible To Put Video Surveillance In A Kindergarten
Is It Possible To Put Video Surveillance In A Kindergarten

Video surveillance in preschool educational institutions (kindergartens) is the installation of video cameras capable of recording not only an image, but also sound with an Internet connection. Such systems enable parents to observe in real time the life of their child, the behavior of the teacher. In addition, such tracking increases the safety of the presence of the child in kindergarten.

Video surveillance in kindergarten
Video surveillance in kindergarten

Legal basis for video surveillance in kindergartens

When installing video cameras in kindergarten groups, one should be guided by Federal Law No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006 "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", which explains how to obtain, search, store information, as well as what without the consent of a person can not be filmed with a video camera and recorded conversations.

The same law prohibits requiring a citizen to provide information about his private life, which constitutes a personal or family secret, and it is impossible to obtain such information without the citizen's will. However, upbringing and educational activities in groups of preschool educational institutions (including the behavior of children and teachers) cannot be classified as legally protected private life, personal and family secrets, since the preschool educational institution is a public place. This means that the legislation does not contain a prohibition on the installation of video cameras, the use of video recording for the purposes of the work of the preschool educational institution and in the interests of parents.

If the administration of a preschool institution does not want to install a video surveillance system, the legal basis for installing video cameras in a kindergarten is Article 151.1. Of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It talks about protecting the image of a citizen, which can only be used with his consent. The use of images is allowed for state, public or other interests.

Practical steps for parents when installing video cameras

To install video cameras, parents need to write a collective statement addressed to the head of the kindergarten with a request to install video surveillance systems throughout the kindergarten or in a specific group. The kindergarten administration must, together with the parents, develop a Regulation on the procedure for the application and use of video surveillance. This Regulation should define the circle of persons who have access to the video recordings, provide security measures - passwords for access to the resource.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has a special program that allows an educational institution, in order to ensure safety and control by parents, to install video surveillance systems with their connection to the Internet.

There are no legal restrictions on the installation of cameras, it is only required to hang signs in prominent places "Video is being filmed in the room." Installation of video surveillance will cost parents about 20 thousand rubles per group, the subscription fee will be no more than 100 rubles per month per person.

Obstacles arising from the installation of video surveillance

The first problem is that kindergarten staff regard video surveillance in kindergarten as a sign of parental distrust. The second is the financial side of the issue, not all parents in the group will want to take part in the implementation of the project according to their capabilities.

In addition, in some municipalities and authorities there are special programs for installing cameras in kindergartens. In this case, the entire system will be installed at the expense of the district or city budget. If there is such a program, then you just have to write an application and wait for your turn.
