Benjamin ficus is the closest relative of the more familiar rubbery ficus, despite the fact that it does not look like it at all. Benjamin's ficus gained popularity among amateur flower growers for its decorative effect, variety of color and shape of leaves, and unpretentious care. Plus, its flexible stems can be braided into braids for a true green masterpiece. Also, beautiful bonsai are created from this plant. Ficus benjamin propagates by cuttings, seeds and layering.

- - stalk or seeds;
- - root formation stimulant;
- - sphagnum moss;
- - soil for ficuses.
Step 1
For propagation by cuttings, cut off the apical semi-lignified shoot 10-12 cm long with a sharp knife or blade. At the same time, milky juice will begin to stand out. Rinse it off under cold running water. If the juice is allowed to harden, then it will prevent the formation of roots of the future plant.
Cut the bottommost leaf and place the cutting in a container of room temperature water. To prevent it from rotting, add one tablet of aspirin and activated charcoal per 200 ml of water. Place the container with the ficus stalk on a well-lit windowsill, being careful to avoid direct sunlight. Add fresh water as it evaporates. The roots should appear in 2-4 weeks. Then transplant the plant into a special ficus soil that you can buy at the store. When transplanting, water with a complex fertilizer for indoor plants.
Step 2
Reproduction by layering allows you to immediately get a large plant (up to 50 cm), while the cuttings would have to grow to this size for several years.
For reproduction in this way on the selected section of the trunk (not lower than 60 cm from the top), remove all shoots and leaves, exposing the trunk by 10-15 cm. Under the knot, remove the ring of bark 1-1.5 cm wide. Treat the area cleared of bark with a root formation stimulator - heteroauxin or root. Wrap it in moist sphagnum moss, available from specialist stores. Wrap in such a way that a few centimeters above and below the bare area are tacked. Then wrap the trunk of the ficus tree over the moss with clear plastic wrap and secure it with wire or tape. After a few months, roots will appear, which will be clearly visible through the transparent film. After that, cut off the layers below the tied area, remove the film and moss and transplant it into the prepared soil.
Step 3
When propagating by seeds, treat store-bought seeds with growth promoters. Then sow them into moist soil. Cover the inoculated dishes with glass. This will create a greenhouse effect. Try to maintain the temperature in the range of 25-30̊С. Open this makeshift greenhouse from time to time after sprouting to train them to the fresh air. After the sprouts reach 3 to 4 cm, transplant them into a regular flower pot.