Dieffenbachia is a plant that many have. She pleases her owners and their guests with bright fleshy leaves and bizarre variegated colors, grows very quickly and has an amazing ability to win the hearts of people from the very first meeting. If you have long dreamed of having this tropical beauty at home, but do not know how exactly it can be propagated and rooted, read carefully.

dieffenbachia soil, pots, water container, sharp knife or scalpel, drainage
Step 1
Collect a stalk. The plant that you have in mind can serve as an excellent donor. All Dieffenbachia reproduce well by cuttings. In order for the cutting to take root, it must have several buds and a leaf. But even if you get a stalk without a leaf, do not despair. The main thing is that the stem has a bud, and everything else your young Dieffenbachia will more than grow on its own. So, arm yourself with a scalpel or a very sharp knife and cut off the escape you need with a quick, confident movement. It can be either a lateral or a middle shoot, there is no particular difference in rooting between them.
Step 2
Place the cutting in a container of water. Dieffenbachia usually grows very easily and quickly in water, but if you are worried about escaping or are afraid of rotting, you can add a little potassium permanganate or activated carbon to the water. If you add potassium permanganate, you need to do this so that the color of the water remains the same and does not change even slightly. The stalk should stand in a container with water for several weeks. When to root it is your own business. But it's best to wait until the root system is pretty impressive. 5-6 cm long for the roots is quite enough.
Step 3
Plant the plant in a pot. A light soil with a moderate mineral composition is suitable for dieffenbachia. Use a special primer "Dieffenbachia" or "for decorative plants". Be sure to put a drain on the bottom of the pot, as the dieffenbachia root system develops very quickly and will reach the bottom very soon. You should not choose a pot that is too large, but keep in mind that it must be high enough. Dieffenbachia - the plant is more vertical than horizontal and from a low pot will very quickly begin to tumble and overturn.