We are currently using various plastic products. Often, for various reasons, the surface of the plastic becomes dull and cloudy, for example, this is clearly visible on plastic car headlights. Often the appearance of plastic parts is affected by the mechanical action of dust. This is when it becomes necessary to polish the plastic.

- - sandpaper of different grain size;
- - abrasive polish of the company "3M", No. 1 and No. 2;
- - polishing sponges;
- - a clean rag.
Step 1
Mechanical polishing of a plastic surface begins with the smoothing of scratches with sandpaper. Small scratches caused by friction with dust can be removed with P600 or P1000 sandpaper, depending on the depth of the scratches. Larger scratches are sanded down with a coarser sandpaper such as P220. Use only new sandpaper, as the surface of the plastic is not very hard and requires extra care when working with it. Do not press on such a surface, because this causes even more damage to the surface. These plastics include PVC, from which the vast majority of plastic windows and profiles are made. When working with sandpaper, back and forth in a short straight line, and then the same movements, but at an angle to the previous ones. This will allow you not to make new scratches and do the job better. Remember to blow away any generated plastic dust. Hard plastics can be moistened with water before processing.
Step 2
After finishing the surface area, take a finer emery paper and process the previously sanded surface with it in order to reduce the depth of the scratches from the previous operation. The next sanding grit number is determined based on which number you processed before. For example, after working with P600, perform additional sanding with P800 sandpaper. If you immediately switch to a finer grain size, then the work will become much more complicated, and in any case, small risks and scratches will remain.
Step 3
Sand the surface to be polished with P2000 sandpaper.
Step 4
Using abrasive polish # 1 and a polishing sponge, rub well on the treated area and a little around it. For best results, use a good branded polish such as 3M. Having processed the first number, take a clean damp cloth and wipe the surface from the polish residues. Wash the treated surface with water.
Step 5
Now use a clean polishing sponge and # 2 polish to finish off the surface. Rinse off the remaining polish and wipe the surface dry.