Why Bridges Are Needed In

Why Bridges Are Needed In
Why Bridges Are Needed In

Bridges are engineering and technical structures, and they can be of a wide variety of forms and have different purposes. Network bridges, drawbridges, hanging bridges, railway, automobile, pedestrian - these are all bridges.

Why bridges are needed
Why bridges are needed

Bridges are used to connect something or someone. The most common and oldest are bridges across rivers.

Everyone knows about the existence of drawbridges. Why are they needed? Why can't a regular bridge be built? This is due to the fact that a huge liner cannot pass under a simple bridge in height, therefore drawbridges are being built at the places of navigation. They can diverge vertically (upward) or horizontally (sideways). The very first drawbridge was built over the River Thames.

The simplest type of bridge is girder. It serves to close a small empty space. There are even dental bridges! Bridge teeth are a prosthesis that must be installed if several or one tooth is missing. A prerequisite is the presence of two teeth on the sides of the installation site. The metro bridge is used for the metro line to pass through it.

Railway bridges are designed specifically for trains. Only pedestrians can walk on pedestrian bridges. Cars cannot go on them; there are separate road bridges for them. The very first bridge appeared in ancient times and was a simple log thrown over a narrow abyss. Later, these structures began to be built of stone.

The bridges were also used to provide the population with water. This type of structure is called aqueducts. Some bridges are architectural works of art, so they serve not only as a ferry means, but also as a decoration of the city. A multifunctional bridge has been built in Italy - in addition to its main function, it is planned to be used as a wind and solar power plant in the future ("Solar Wind" wind and solar bridge).

In Denver, a bridge has been created specifically for animals. It connects two parts of the forest, which were separated by a motorway. The longest bridge in the world was built in China and is 22 miles (35, 41 km) long. It connects the shores of the ocean. This building is surprising in that a special service works on it, where you can refuel the car, eat and spend the night.
