Why Are Dialogues Needed

Why Are Dialogues Needed
Why Are Dialogues Needed

Dialogue serves for conversation and exchange of opinions between two people. You hear it often in films and on the radio. When you need to find out something from another person, you enter into a dialogue with him. Such a conversation can be both telephone and virtual, but it is also a dialogue, if two people exchange remarks.

Why are dialogues needed
Why are dialogues needed

It is impossible, being in society, not to enter into dialogue with anyone. A person constantly needs information about something and he is ready to receive it from other people who have the necessary knowledge. You are constantly talking to someone - in transport, at work, on the phone, in a cafe, in a store, at school. A day cannot be imagined without these mini-dialogues. It is a natural human need - communication with other people. You've probably noticed that if you are forced not to communicate with anyone for a long time, you get a feeling akin to claustrophobia. You urgently need to talk with people, remove the feeling of stagnation and frozenness. Dispute or polemics is also a kind of dialogue, it is in them that the truth is born. Without disputes, you will not find a solution that suits both parties, which means that dialogue cannot be avoided. You just need to learn how to put forward your arguments without insults and raising your voice, so that the dispute does not turn into a scandal and quarrel. This, of course, is also a dialogue, but fraught with undesirable consequences. To have a conversation that will leave only pleasant memories and enrich you with knowledge, you must remember about politeness and tact. Treat the other person the way you want them to treat you. Respect the opinions of other people, learn to listen, then you will be able to conduct constructive dialogues that will help you in your work. In a conversation with your boss, do not mumble, answer confidently, not obsequiously. A skillfully structured conversation with the management will help you climb the career ladder, find a job, and achieve a salary increase. As you can see, dialogues are necessary and important in life. The role of family conversation cannot be underestimated. In a family where there are people who are able to maintain an interesting conversation, listen and help with advice, there are fewer conflicts and misunderstandings. By conducting a dialogue with your child, you give him invaluable communication lessons, he will use these skills in kindergarten and in school. Thus, dialogue is present in all areas of your life, everywhere it is useful and necessary. Therefore, it is important from early childhood to teach children to communicate with peers and older people.
