Ankle boots are very durable and comfortable shoes that are worn by the military, but they can also be found very often in civilian life. This ideal shoe has its drawback - it is difficult and long to lace up. So that lacing is not torture for you, you need to have at least a little skill.

- - ankle boots;
- - laces.
Step 1
Re-lace the ankle boots each time you put them on. Do not allow even a slight loosening of the ties, only the correct lacing is capable of performing the main function of the upper part of the shoe - to protect the ankle from sprains and injuries. If the lacing is carelessly executed, the leg can become overtightened, which will lead to a violation of the blood supply.
Step 2
When choosing shoes, consider how the lacing will be carried out. To date, lacing through rings and loops is considered the most reliable, but lacing through hooks will hook not only laces, but also foreign objects and clothes. The lacing we all know through the holes often compresses the foot unevenly, which leads to discomfort when wearing. In addition, moisture can enter through the openings in bad weather.
Step 3
Army Lacing is the fastest and most commonly used method to lace up straight up and pull through the next loop, repeat on the other end. Then cross the laces and pull them from the bottom up through the next row of holes, then lift them straight again, etc.
Step 4
The method of lacing the ankle boots "crosswise" is very simple to perform. First, take the lace and pull it horizontally through the bottom holes. Then, crossing the ends of the lace together, thread them into the next holes, moving from bottom to top. Pull the ankle boots well to your legs while lacing.
Step 5
For lacing ankle boots, you can use the "ladder" method. Take the lace and pull it horizontally through the two bottom holes. Without crossing the ends of the lace, lift them straight up and pull them through the next two holes from the bottom up. Then, crossing the ends of the laces, pass them through the loop that was formed by the opposite end of the lace. Thread the ends of the laces again straight into the top holes and continue to lace up to the top of the shoe. Tie the laces in a knot and make a bow.