Cultivation of the land is based on the use of traditional methods of cultivation, carried out at different times of the year: in the fall after harvest, in the spring before sowing and during the period of plant growth. In order to preserve the fertility of the land by growing vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to follow the rules of its processing.

- - shovels;
- - walk-behind tractor;
- - metal and wooden rakes;
- - a set of hoes;
- - scoops,
- - pegs,
- - laces;
- - watering cans of various sizes;
- - hose.
Step 1
Pick up inventory To cultivate the soil, stock up on the necessary inventory. Processing can be done mechanically and manually. Use walk-behind tractors in small areas, free from shrubs, and shovels, rakes, pitchforks and hoes in the rest of the area. Dig light soils with a shovel with a rounded cutting edge, dense ones with a wedge-shaped edge. Choose a versatile tool that makes it easy to handle any structure. Use several types of hoes for loosening - this will help to care for beds of different widths. In addition to tools, purchase other equipment: for irrigation, for collecting water, for spraying.
Step 2
Dig the soil in the fall After harvesting, carry out the main cultivation of the soil to the full depth of the humus layer. Do not break the ridges of the earth - this will provide oxygen enrichment of the inverted layer and freezing of weed larvae and roots. But if the soil is heavy and damp, it should only be loosened, leaving the main digging for the spring. At the same time, apply organic fertilizers and a small part of the mineral dressing.
Step 3
Prepare the soil in the spring After the snow melts, it is necessary to break the earth's crust. Presowing treatment depends on the structure of the soil and the plants that will be planted on it. For example, light soils (sandy, sandy loam) in the spring are dug again to a depth of 5-8 cm, and heavy (clay, loamy) - by 18-20 cm. In addition, light soils are leveled and rolled, ensuring the preservation of moisture accumulated from melting snow.
Step 4
Use soil mulching To retain moisture in the soil and reduce evaporation from the soil surface, spread mulch between the rows. For this, non-acidic peat, fallen leaves, humus, sawdust, thick kraft paper are suitable. Spread the mulch in a layer of at least 4 cm, and as the plants grow, increase the thickness of the material to 5-7 cm. If you sprinkle the rows with humus or peat, you do not need to fertilize with organic fertilizers - the necessary nutrients will gradually come to the plants from the mulch.
Step 5
Loosening during the period of plant growth If a crust forms after watering, loosen the dried soil to a depth of 5-6 cm. This will provide free access to oxygen to the roots of plants and prune the growing weeds. Monitor soil moisture and water the soil as it dries.