Rice is a tropical plant and therefore requires high temperatures and high humidity to ripen. If you are confident that you can ensure the optimum temperature for plant growth throughout the growing season, which lasts 90 to 140 days for different varieties, then try cultivating rice and growing crops on your site.

Step 1
Provide controlled humidity and temperature in rice paddies. In the tillering phase, the minimum temperature should be 15, in the flowering phase - 18, at the beginning of ripening - 19 degrees. Rice growth and ripening will be ensured at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. To grow an early-ripening rice variety, the sum of effective temperatures should be at least 2200, and for a late-ripening variety - 3200 degrees.
Step 2
Plants need different amounts of water at different times of maturation. From the moment of sowing, during the period when the seeds swell, ensure that the check is flooded by 5-10 cm within 5 days. After nakilchuvannya, when the length of the coleoptile reaches 3-5 mm, drain the water from the check, the seedlings should appear without water.
Step 3
With the beginning of the tillering phase and the formation of stem roots, ensure that the plants are flooded with a layer of water of 3-5 cm, since the formation of tillering nodes occurs at the soil surface. Plants will need the maximum amount of water during the period of going into the tube and throwing out panicles, its layer should be at least 10-12, and then 15-20 cm. In the phase of milk ripeness, about a third of the length of the shoots should be in the water. Drain the checks and dry the soil in a waxy phase before harvesting.
Step 4
The duration of daylight hours during ripening should be at least 9-12 hours. Rice requires direct sunlight, lack of them will affect the degree of ripening of the grains.
Step 5
The soil for growing rice can be slightly salted, fertile, with a slightly acidic reaction. Use for its cultivation alluvial soils of river valleys, chernozem. Strongly swampy or light sandy soils are of little use. It is good to prepare the soil ahead of time by planting it before you plant rice, alfalfa or clover, as well as pulses, root vegetables, canola or annual grasses. It is not recommended to sow rice in the same place for more than three years in a row - its yield decreases markedly.
Step 6
Keep the soil level strictly horizontal. The hydraulic system must provide the required water level in checks with an area of 2-5 hectares at different ripening periods. Carry out work to increase soil fertility, improve its aeration, and destroy weeds. Use nitrogenous, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Add organic matter if you are sowing rice over rice.