What Documents Are Needed To Purchase Weapons

What Documents Are Needed To Purchase Weapons
What Documents Are Needed To Purchase Weapons

Many people today are faced with the question of buying weapons. Someone needs a weapon for hunting, someone collects a collection, someone needs it for self-defense, someone takes it for work. There is a permit for the acquisition of weapons and separately - for carrying. A permit to carry can be obtained by passing an exam, where they ask about knowledge about the federal law "On weapons".

Documents for the acquisition of weapons
Documents for the acquisition of weapons

Registration of documents for the acquisition of weapons

Before starting to draw up a folder of documents, you should go for a consultation at your licensing and permitting department of the Internal Affairs Directorate at the place of registration. Since in each region there may be some nuances in the issue of registration. Somewhere require three photos instead of two, someone additionally asks to bring a folder-folder and in order to take receipts to pay the necessary fees.

The necessary documents for obtaining a permit for the acquisition of weapons include - the original passport and its copy of the pages where the photo and place of registration, two black and white photographs on matte paper measuring 3x4 cm, paid state duty receipts, a medical certificate filled out in form 046-1 in clinic at the place of stay, certificates from a narcologist (300 rubles) and a neuropsychiatrist (300 rubles) that you are not registered. An application for a license to purchase weapons should be written on the spot.

After installing the cabinet, you should call the district representative and call him home. He will issue two certificates - a report and an act on checking the place for placing cartridges and weapons.

If you immediately issue a license to carry a weapon, you will additionally need a characteristic, necessarily positive, issued at the place of work or by a passport officer, the original and a photocopy of the hunting ticket issued by the local union of hunters and fishermen upon admission to their society, and a metal weapon cabinet, which must be screwed to wall in an apartment or in a house. You also need to bring two certificates from the local police officer at the place of stay and pass the exam successfully in the licensing and permitting department.

general information

Unlike short-barreled weapons, a license to purchase long-barreled weapons is given for a period of 6 months.

Permits to purchase, store and carry short-barreled weapons are issued for 5 years. During this period, you should purchase weapons in specialized or hunting stores. After the purchase, within a two-week period, the license must be returned to the authority that issued it, and the weapon purchased for carrying must be registered there at the same time. After 5 years, the weapon must be re-registered. The license gives the right to purchase smooth-bore weapons in the amount of 5 units, short-barreled weapons - 5 units and also weapons with a rifled barrel - 5 units. If someone wants to have more weapons, it is necessary to arrange a collection.

At the exam, they will ask about knowledge about the Federal Law "On Weapons", Articles 37-39, 222-224 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. It is necessary to know about the safety rules when handling weapons, proper storage and be able to provide first aid to people who have received gunshot wounds.
