If, after purchasing a medicinal product, it becomes necessary to return it back to the pharmacy, the law is on the consumer's side. But sellers do not always agree with this.

Return of low-quality medication
Based on the legislation of the Russian Federation, we can say for sure that the return of drugs is prohibited. But this only applies to a quality product.
The Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" states that such a product can be returned back to the pharmacy, but only if it is found to be defective. The latter include the expiration of the shelf life of the drug, the discrepancy between the color, smell, size and the data specified in the instructions.
The medicine is considered dangerous and unsuitable for use, and if the cap is missing, there are cracks visible to the naked eye. The package may lack instructions for use or labeling. In this case, the buyer has the right to demand a refund of the money paid or exchange the goods for another.
It should be noted that quality goods cannot be returned or replaced, this is spelled out in the legislative documents.
How to return a medication of inadequate quality
It is possible to return the drug under other circumstances. Oftentimes, pharmacists sell freely a prescription product. In this situation, you can bring the medicine back and exchange it or return it. We can say that the doctor did not warn about the side effects of the drug and contraindications to its use, and the buyer has those. That is, such a medication is simply contraindicated and can lead to health problems and even death of a person.
Of course, this will require a written statement from the doctor that he did not inform the patient in full about the effect of the drug. In addition, a witness will be needed to confirm that the pharmacy sellers did not warn the consumer about the possible adverse consequences. Otherwise, if suddenly such a medication leads to side effects or death, the pharmacy employees may be criminally liable.
You can change the medicine if the pharmacist makes a mistake, when, for example, a gel was sold instead of a cream, that is, it was unintentionally mixed up.
In case of refusal to return medicines, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor, the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights. In this case, you will need to provide your data, attach receipts, documents.