Medicines are among the most purchased commodities. Especially during the period of exacerbation of various diseases. And the amount paid for them is often not small at all. But it is not always possible to return such a product to the pharmacy.

Application for the return of goods
Step 1
According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", only goods of inadequate quality can be returned to the pharmacy. These can be expired, defective or spoiled drugs. As well as those whose packaging has been damaged.
Step 2
In this case, write an application for the return or exchange of goods, be sure to indicate in it your personal data, passport number and address. Come with it and the medicine to be returned to the pharmacy, contact the pharmacist or manager. Based on this application, the accountant will issue you an expense cash order, according to which you can get your money back through the main cash desk of the company. By law, a refund must be made within 10 days from the date of application.
Step 3
If you decide to return the goods on the same day, you do not need to draw up a statement. You just need to go to the place where you bought it. You will be given an invoice, which must be drawn up in duplicate and certified by the signature of the head of the pharmacy or a person replacing him. Based on this documents, you can receive money on the same day.
Step 4
In the event that you want to change the product for another, the pharmacist is obliged to do this within 7 days. If the required medicine is not available at the pharmacy, the period may be extended up to one month. But this only applies to those goods that are subject to exchange.
Step 5
If the purchased medication is of proper quality, it cannot be returned back. This is enshrined in legislation and is not subject to discussion. The only exception is the pharmacist's mistake when dispensing the goods. For example, when he sold you a drug of the wrong dosage as indicated in the prescription. But such a product can be returned or exchanged only if there are witnesses to this or other evidence. To avoid such a situation, carefully check all medicines without leaving the checkout.