In 1998, the Government of the Russian Federation ruled that the return and exchange of drugs to the pharmacy was impossible. In 2005, the Ministry of Health and Social Development issued a corresponding order under # 785. But at the same time there is a reservation - "the product must be of proper quality." Based on this, there is still a chance to return the medicine to the pharmacy. You just need to know in what cases it is possible.

- - Medicine;
- - package;
- - instruction;
- - witness;
- - a conclusion from a doctor;
- - a book of reviews and suggestions;
- - information stand.
Step 1
You can return the medicine to the pharmacy if you find deficiencies. These include: - lack of instructions; - expired shelf life; - discrepancy between the appearance of the drug and the description of its characteristics in the instructions; - defective packaging; - defects in labeling; - mismatch of shelf life (series) between the primary (tube, vial, ampoule) and secondary packaging (cardboard).
Step 2
If you find any of the listed deficiencies, take the medicine to the pharmacy, ask to change it for a similar one or return the money.
Step 3
If your request is not granted, please refer to the Consumer Protection Law, Article 18. Every pharmacy must have an information stand, take a copy of this law and familiarize the pharmacist with it.
Step 4
If your request is denied further, ask to call the head of the pharmacy or his deputy. Explain everything to him in detail. Tell them to contact Rospotrebnadzor.
Step 5
Request a book of reviews and suggestions, write your details (name and address) and the essence of the situation. Indicate that if your request is not satisfied within 5 days, you will go to court with a statement of claim.
Step 6
Be sure to rewrite the pharmacy data from the stand: name, address, full name of the head, telephone number of Rospotrebnadzor. This will show that you are ready to go all the way in case of refusal.
Step 7
If the medicine is of proper quality, then you can return it to the pharmacy only if the pharmacist makes a mistake. For example, you need to buy a medicated ointment, and they gave you a cream. In this case, immediately ask to exchange the medicine. And confirmation of your innocence can be a prescription from a doctor or a witness.
Step 8
When buying medicines without a prescription, you should be counseled about contraindications. Pharmacists often recommend a drug for its safety. At home, the client discovers that the product should not be used. In this case, you can exchange the drug at the pharmacy if there is a corresponding opinion from the attending physician and a witness. Thus, in this case, it will be difficult for you to exchange the medicine.