How To Eat To Grow

How To Eat To Grow
How To Eat To Grow

Table of contents:


Growth is included in the list of the main medical parameters for the development of a healthy person. In European countries, including Russia, the average indicator for adult men is 175-178 cm, for women - 162-166 cm. Various factors affect the growth process: gender, age, race, heredity, biological characteristics, the presence of certain diseases and their consequences. However, it is quite possible to add a few desired centimeters, paying special attention to proper nutrition.

How to eat to grow
How to eat to grow

It is necessary

  • - vegetables;
  • - fruits;
  • - greens;
  • - meat;
  • - a fish;
  • - milk and dairy products;
  • - dairy products;
  • - cereals;
  • - bread;
  • - eggs.


Step 1

Get medical advice before starting nutritional therapy. Doctors will check your endocrine system and your levels of growth hormone (growth hormone) production. It is important to correctly identify the cause of the growth retardation. If the deviation from the average is large, you will be prescribed treatment, perhaps even surgery. In addition, the doctor must exclude the presence of chronic diseases that can be exacerbated by changes in the diet.

Step 2

Create a growth-promoting menu. Remember, there is no one magic product that will help you grow quickly. Proper nutrition should be varied and rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Step 3

Try to eat more raw vegetables and fruits. Ideally, there should be at least 1.5 kg of them on your table every day. Do not overcook or overcook meat and fish dishes. Long-term cooking reduces the amount of nutrients in the product. You will have to give up coffee and alcohol completely.

Step 4

Don't overeat. Growth hormone is produced best when you are mildly hungry. Take food 4-5 times a day. Keep portions small. Fasting days will also help to grow up: kefir, vegetable, fruit. Drink more water, both ordinary (boiled or specially purified) and mineral, for example, "Borjomi".

Step 5

Eat at least 100 g of protein products daily: meat, fish, eggs, rye bread, rice, beans, etc. Protein is an essential element for the "building" of tissues, including bone. Without the intake of a sufficient amount of it into the body, intensive growth is impossible. If a food is causing you an allergic reaction, make up for the lack of it in your diet with other sources of protein.

Step 6

Enrich your diet with the main growth vitamins - A, B, D. You probably know about the benefits of carrots from childhood. It really contains carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. You can get it from fresh herbs (parsley, celery, onions, dill, etc.), sorrel, spinach, rose hips, yellow vegetables, such as turnips and swede.

Step 7

Vitamin D is responsible for bone growth. It is produced naturally under the influence of ultraviolet rays. However, residents of northern countries, including Russia, where there are not enough sunny days, must replenish their vitamin D reserves through food. Eat a serving of oily fish (sardine, salmon, tuna) daily and drink a glass of milk.

Step 8

Useful B vitamins are found in butter, milk, nuts, vegetables and fruits, egg yolk, yeast and other foods. Do not be afraid to oversaturate the body with this element. It does not accumulate in tissues, the resulting "excess" is excreted naturally.

Step 9

The growth of the body is stimulated by minerals and trace elements. First of all, you must ensure that calcium and phosphorus enter the bloodstream. They are found in cottage cheese, eggs, fish, milk and fermented milk products. The daily norm is 2-3 sandwiches with cheese and 200 ml of milk.

Step 10

Zinc, manganese, fluoride, which strengthen bone tissue, are found in large quantities in cereals, vegetables and fruits, beans, walnuts, black tea. It is very useful to eat sprouted wheat and corn.
