What Does It Mean To Be Bitchy

What Does It Mean To Be Bitchy
What Does It Mean To Be Bitchy

The bitch is a popular character in modern books, films, groups on social networks, etc. This character causes conflicting emotions in people, largely due to the fact that the understanding of bitchiness can be different.

Emily Blunt in the movie Wild Thing
Emily Blunt in the movie Wild Thing

Negative understanding of the word

Bitchy girls and bitchiness as such have many supporters and opponents. The latter see a bitchy woman as selfish, cold, callous, who does not think about others and whose favorite hobby is to break men's hearts. In this regard, men (and women) experience a negative attitude towards girls who, in their understanding, are similar to bitches. Such people like to point out the direct meaning of the word "bitch" - carrion, animal corpse, carrion. In a figurative sense, this is a selfish woman who, intentionally or unconsciously, causes harm to others with her behavior.

If you follow this version, then being bitchy means being insincere, cunning, in dealing with people, and especially with men, to pursue your own selfish goals, to use people and manipulate them, to play on other people's feelings. They say about such girls that they got burned on something in life, they became closed. They stopped trusting people and decided that they needed to be able to benefit from everything in a society where everyone is for himself. Behind their arrogance is an inferiority complex, and when something goes wrong, they can show their hysteria and imbalance.

Positive understanding of the word

Along with the negative, the positive meaning of bitchiness is often found. In recent years, many books have appeared both in Russia and abroad, in which women are taught to be bitchy. This means the ability to be strong, insightful, independent, the ability to manage your life and direct it in the desired direction, to be the mistress of your life. Manipulating others is not required for this, except for the mutual benefit.

The authors of the books proceed from the fact that the type of modest, compliant, obsequious woman created by society actually does not allow a woman to be happy and make a happy partner, since in reality men rarely really love such girls. However, they are considered comfortable and often marry them, while making friends on the side. And it is also difficult for shy women to realize themselves in creativity and profession.

That is, being bitchy is being aware of your desires and needs in life and striving for it. It means being strong, independent, loving and appreciating yourself, having self-esteem, being able to achieve the respect of others, being attractive to the opposite sex, appreciating your personal space and not encroaching on your partner's personal space, not being overly affectionate and emotionally dependent on a man., be an interesting person, be self-confident, strive for self-development.

A bitchy girl shows herself on the positive side in interacting with people, if they are also friendly to her. She does not seek to break hearts or live in splendid isolation and is not a man-hater.
