How Long Does It Take To Make A New Passport

How Long Does It Take To Make A New Passport
How Long Does It Take To Make A New Passport

A foreign passport is the main document that a Russian citizen who is going to travel abroad must have with him. Moreover, if the passport has expired, it will take some time to get a new one.

How long does it take to make a new passport
How long does it take to make a new passport

The function of issuing foreign passports to Russian citizens is currently assigned to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation. The timing of the provision of this public service by this organization is clearly regulated by a special normative legal act - the Administrative Regulations for the Issue of Foreign Passports, which was approved in October 2012. At the same time, as the specified regulations establish, it is possible to submit an application for the issuance of a new foreign passport due to the expiration of the previous one or for other reasons both at the place of residence and at any FMS branch on the territory of Russia; differ.

Issuance of a passport at the place of residence

The fact is that if a citizen applies for a foreign passport to the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service in accordance with the place of his permanent registration, this organization can use the information about the citizen stored in its databases. This significantly speeds up the process of identifying his personality and, accordingly, reduces the time required to prepare the document.

In particular, the aforementioned regulation, which establishes the basic requirements for the nature of the provision of public services for the issuance of a passport, determines that in such a situation, the period during which a citizen must receive the document he needs should not exceed one calendar month. At the same time, the specified normative legal act establishes that these terms relate to both the issuance of an old-style passport, that is, a standard paper document, and the issuance of a new document, that is, a passport equipped with an electronic data carrier.

Issuance of a passport in another department of the FMS

The current Russian legislation provides citizens of the country with the opportunity to obtain a passport at any branch of the FMS convenient for them. This is especially convenient for citizens who do not live at the place of their permanent registration or are on a long trip, for example, on a business trip.

However, it should be borne in mind that in such a situation it will take a long time to wait for the issuance of a finished document. The administrative regulations governing the procedure for the provision of this public service establish that in such a situation the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation has the right to prepare a document within 4 months, regardless of whether it is an old or new passport.
