The social institution of bed guards or eunuchs seems to modern man to be a real barbarism. However, this phenomenon was widespread at a certain historical stage.

Who is a eunuch?
The very word "eunuch" in translation from Greek means "keeper of the bed." Contrary to the currently widespread opinion, eunuchs were not deprived of the penis, but the testicles. Under certain conditions, eunuchs retained the ability to experience sexual arousal, which allowed them to have sex. But they could not have children under any circumstances. This is what should be considered the main reason for the castration procedure. Rulers and nobles similarly rid themselves of the threat of the birth of illegitimate bastard children, preserving the purity of blood. Eunuchs most often guarded the harems of their masters, put things in order there, dealt with organizational issues, were the only men on its territory. Their work was generously paid, and the risk of an illegal heir to one of the wives or concubines was reduced to zero.
Voluntary and forced castration
Men became eunuchs both under duress and voluntarily. Many poor families gave their sons to this service. Castration in childhood was somewhat easier to experience, since the young men did not fully realize what they were missing. Hormonal restructuring of the body in adolescence took place differently, the body was rebuilt under the changed circumstances, gaining extra pounds. Such voluntary eunuchs were generously rewarded by the rulers who recruited them into service. Over time, they could achieve really high positions. In most eastern countries, eunuchs could become financial advisers, military leaders, officials.
There was also forced castration. In China, for example, captured enemies were castrated. In this case, this procedure had two meanings at once. Firstly, castration humiliated the enemy, and secondly, the purity of the nation was preserved, since the castrated enemy could no longer become a father, "spoiling" the family tree of the victors.
In some religious cults, castration was performed as a kind of sacrifice to the deity. The eunuch-monk similarly denied all carnal, sinful thoughts and gave himself completely to religious service.
The institution of eunuchs itself arose among the Persians, Assyrians and Byzantines, and a little later it became widespread in China. It was in China that the eunuchs formed a real, solid caste that rebuffed any brave man who encroached on their privileges. The Persians and Assyrians always had a rather contemptuous attitude towards eunuchs, the harsh warriors treated them without a drop of respect.