What Is Genealogy

What Is Genealogy
What Is Genealogy

Since ancient times, genealogy, also called genealogy, has been part of the upbringing of the ruling elite - pharaohs, kings, and other reigning persons. In the Middle Ages, it happened that a knight who could not confirm his noble origin was not allowed to the tournament. Nowadays, drawing up a family tree of your family can be an exciting journey into the mysterious world of the past.

What is genealogy
What is genealogy

In the old days, all kinds of chronicles became the basis for building a pedigree. Having plunged into the heap of chronicle works, with sufficient diligence, one could try to prove the nobility of his origin. Of course, such pleasure was not available to ordinary people who did not know literacy and did not have access to the chronicle archives. Genealogy compilation has been the lot of the elite for a long time.

Centuries have passed, several historical eras have changed. In Soviet times, genealogical research was not popular among the people and was not welcomed by the authorities. Certain scientists, among whom can be called R. A. Medvedev, engaged in genealogical research at their own peril and risk, trying not to advertise their activities. Official historical science was primarily interested in the origin of the representatives of the party nomenklatura. Genealogy was assigned the role of an auxiliary historical discipline, along with heraldry and numismatics.

At the same time, genealogy flourished in the capitalist West. In post-war Europe and the United States, many private researchers and scholars working under the auspices of research centers have traced the lineages of the modern ruling elite. With the beginning of large-scale social transformations in Russia, interest in genealogy has also increased dramatically.

In the past two decades, the market for genealogy services has expanded significantly. Establishing their ancestry has become a matter of prestige among many celebrities interested in raising their social status. Today the cost of one professionally drawn pedigree is comparable to the cost of a luxury car.

Not all of the current professionals involved in building their clients' genealogy trees are history professionals. Most of them base their research on experience and many years of painstaking work with factual data - revision tales, confessional paintings, metrics. A significant part of information about the genealogy can be gleaned from a variety of archives, access to which is open not only to scientists, but also to ordinary citizens. If you decide to restore your family tree on your own, then in the end you can plunge into the wonderful world of the past, previously hidden from prying eyes.