Why Are Snowflakes Different

Why Are Snowflakes Different
Why Are Snowflakes Different

Snowflakes are ice crystals that fall from the sky and have a regular hexagonal shape, but at the same time, each snowflake is unique in its beauty.

Why are snowflakes different
Why are snowflakes different

The reason for the formation of different forms of snowflakes and their uniqueness is not only an interesting phenomenon, but also a subject of serious study for scientists. Kepler also wrote a whole treatise on this subject. It was at the beginning of the 17th century, and since then, the study of snowflakes has become a whole science. Well, for children and romantic natures, a snowflake remains a magical attribute of the New Year, while a snowflake is a physical phenomenon that is expressed in the formation of tiny ice crystals. Snowflakes fall from the sky, like raindrops, the only difference is in the temperature to which the cloud is exposed. The cloud consists of water droplets, water vapor and impurities such as dust particles. As the temperature drops, water particles crystallize, and around them dust particles in a hexagonal shape are formed. This shape is called the hexagonal structural lattice, known in chemistry as "Ice IH". Thus, each snowflake at the beginning of its formation is a perfect hexagonal crystal of ice. Then, as it grows, various branches begin to appear at the corners. In addition, during the growth, the snowflake continues to fly inside the cloud, i.e. Each snowflake is subjected to many different influences, depending on the trajectory of its flight, temperature and humidity changes in different parts of the cloud. The smaller the snowflake, the more it looks like others, but such snowflakes melt before reaching the ground. Large snowflakes are always different, and falling to the ground or a human palm, they quickly melt, giving only a fleeting opportunity to see their beauty. Snowflakes have about a hundred different features, which, when combined in different proportions, create about 10 ^ 158 combinations of its final image. Interest in the study of snowflakes is not only about the desire to satisfy simple curiosity. This science allows scientists to study the climatic conditions of the places where the snowflake formed and where it has been. And by artificially growing snowflakes in the laboratory, they investigate the physical nature of ice crystals.
