Stray dogs pose an immediate danger, they are a threat to health and life. But not only stray animals can lash out, ill-bred pets are much more common.

So that an unexpected meeting with a pack of street dogs does not end in tragedy, it is necessary to have a means of protection from dogs, ultrasonic repellers have proven themselves very well.
How to choose an ultrasonic repeller
There are devices that are quite simple, but among modern developments the universal repeller "Dogs. No Flash +" has proven itself perfectly. In terms of range, it has no analogues, the radiation power and efficiency are very high. It affects the animal according to a structured algorithm: it is a powerful ultrasound, which is not perceived by the human ear, but deafens the dog. The device also produces super-bright flashes of light, while the sound pattern is randomly generated and never repeated.
Even with a discharged battery, the device is able to drive away uninvited "guests", for this it is enough to press and simply hold the key in the on mode. In this device, constant pressing of the "start" button is not required, as in other devices of similar action. From a distance of 20 meters, the dog already senses the operation of the device and stops. When the source of sound and light is directed directly at an aggressive dog, it retreats. This device differs from others in that its power does not depend on the charge level of the battery, while in others, as the batteries are discharged, the sound power decreases, and at some point it becomes impossible to protect itself from the animal.
You can also buy a different brand of dog repeller. They are just as effective. Good options are Dazer II and Typhoon LS-300 +, the latter is the cheapest.
Avoiding stray dogs
It is certainly good to have a dog repellent with you. But what if it is not there or the battery in it is discharged? Not every device is capable of generating a signal with a practically zero battery charge. Of course, places where roaming packs traditionally live should be avoided. These are the territories of landfills, garage cooperatives, wastelands. It is there that the favorite places for daytime rookeries.
You should never try to pet the puppies of these dogs. Yes, they look cute, but their mother will perceive any approach to her droppings as aggression and may pounce. And the whole pack will join her, since they are brave only when they are together.
Methods aimed at stabilizing and reducing the number of these animals will lead to little success, even sterilized individuals are able to attack and bite a person, since they were deprived of only the ability to reproduce, but not teeth. And the conclusion: protect yourself! It is better to walk where the likelihood of dogs appearing is small, and the ultrasonic repeller will always protect, the main thing is to buy it.