Who Produced The First Promotional Video

Who Produced The First Promotional Video
Who Produced The First Promotional Video

Advertising is an integral part of life today. It is present in everything from beautiful videos on TV to street lamp posts with pasted ads. The commercials were seen by absolutely everyone - however, few people know the history of their origin and the author of the first video advertisement.

Who Created the First Promotional Video
Who Created the First Promotional Video

Advertising history

The public first became acquainted with advertising in 1704 - someone advertised their products in the Boston Newsletter (an American newspaper). However, the real need for advertising of goods and services arose among manufacturers only by the beginning of the 19th century, when the world plunged into the industrial revolution and the supply began to significantly exceed consumer demand.

The first radio advertising editor was the renowned writer Edgar Allan Poe, who has experience in creating advertisements.

Themed radio ads were first launched in the fall of 1920, after which all radio stations began to create programs with one goal - to add more ads there. However, the roots of the emergence of advertisements lie much deeper - since ancient times, peoples such as the Slavs, Phoenicians and Egyptians have been sophisticated in creating and glorifying their names in order to sell goods at a good price. The origins of the first promotional videos clearly took place in America, which was the first in the world to launch television broadcasts.

The first TV commercial and its development

The first commercial was a short video about the properties of a soap from Procter & Gamble, which ran an ad during a televised baseball game. However, most experts consider the watchmaker Bulova Watch Company to be the first TV commercial. It cost the customer $ 9 and lasted only 10 seconds, during which 4 thousand Americans managed to watch it.

It is rather difficult to call this video a full-fledged commercial - rather, it was a short, modest intro.

Truly TV commercials began to unfold in 1948 - its videos became more interesting and colorful, and also acquired cartoon characters. In 1956, television filled a massive invasion of video ads that made it to Soviet televisions in the 1960s. The very first Soviet television advertisement appeared thanks to Nikita Khrushchev's love for corn - according to his decree, an advertising video about singing corn was shot, which was popularly called "Corn Operetta". After that, TV advertising began to be massively shot in Russia, as a result of which today hundreds and thousands of new companies are opening, producing commercials, on which customers spend billions of dollars.
