Where To Complain About Collectors

Where To Complain About Collectors
Where To Complain About Collectors

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A collection firm is a debt collection organization. It can be like a small firm, consisting of several impressive-looking uncles. Or it can be a solid company with its own legal department, with a department for combating fraud, with connections in the judiciary and law enforcement agencies, etc.

Collectors can make a debtor's life hell
Collectors can make a debtor's life hell


Step 1

Remember that the activities of collectors are not regulated by any legislation. From the point of view of citizens, their function is to find out the reasons for non-payment, remind about the debt, offer options for pre-trial debt repayment, and find a hiding client. If they were limited to these functions, their activities would not be as effective.

Step 2

In fact, the collectors believe that they are allowed everything that is not prohibited by law. Often they allow themselves actions balancing on the brink of legislation. They can continuously call the debtor, visit him personally, exerting psychological pressure and threats. They allow themselves to call and come personally to the management of the debtor at work, to parents and other separately living relatives, and even to neighbors. And such pressure only grows over time, the debtor's reputation is falling both at work and among neighbors. The goal is to make you pay.

Step 3

To effectively complain about collectors at the very beginning of their actions, find out the name of the organization and the name of the employee who works with you. In case of obvious violations of the law - threats, use of physical force, etc. - complain to the police, prosecutor's office, court. You should not apply to the services of anti-collectors. Often the anti-collector is the same collector, but working for the one who pays the most.

Step 4

Professional lawyers and attorneys, including credit attorneys, provide extremely effective assistance. Since they do not work for free, find out the cost of their services in advance. As a rule, it does not go beyond reasonable limits, and this money is worth the peace and mental health of you and your loved ones. Moreover, if the collectors have clearly damaged your reputation, caused moral or material damage, threatened with reprisals and you can prove all this, a lawyer will help you sue the collectors. Then, it is quite possible that you can sue the collectors for compensation for the damage caused to you.
