With the development of information technology, such a concept as "information resources" arose. It is used to denote ideas, methods and means for obtaining and disseminating information.

Step 1
Information resources in the aggregate are the ideas of humanity, as well as instructions for their implementation, which have been accumulated in a form that allows their reproduction. Such resources are books, individual publications, dissertations, patents, scientific and experimental design documents, data on production experience, and others.
Step 2
Unlike other types of resources (energy, labor, mineral), information resources grow depending on the degree of their use. Their relevance made it possible to create a global human activity for the provision of information services, to form an external and internal market for information services, to create publicly available state and regional databases, to make reasonable and operational decisions made by firms, banks, stock exchanges, industrial and trade organizations at the expense of timely receipt and dissemination of the necessary information.
Step 3
There are various types of information resources: mass media, the Internet, libraries, which are divided into subtypes. For example, the Internet consists of news feeds, electronic archives and all kinds of databases. Thanks to literally every minute updated news feeds, both ordinary citizens and representatives of various business and political structures can keep abreast of the events taking place in the world. And numerous archives and databases are quite capable of replacing libraries and reading rooms in the classical form.
Step 4
Nowadays, more and more often the term "information resources" is used to name computers and their peripherals as the most advanced tools for disseminating information. Computers are actively used in trade, industry, management, banking, healthcare, education, science and medicine, transport and communications, social security, agriculture and other areas.
Step 5
The development and improvement of information resources and technologies is one of the most important tasks of our time. In connection with the demand for information of various kinds and the need for constant access to it, more and more new devices and methods are being created to exchange it. National research programs are also emerging, stimulating their development, as well as making information resources available to the general public.