What Is Assembler

What Is Assembler
What Is Assembler

Table of contents:


Assembler comes from the English word "assembler", which means "assembler". Assembler is a source code compiler that converts this code into machine language.

What is assembler
What is assembler


PC manual


Step 1

Assembler, like the language itself, is mostly specific to specific architectures, variants of text syntaxes, and operating systems. There are also multiplatform or universal, or rather, limitedly universal assemblers that can work on different platforms and operating systems. However, it is not possible to write a device-independent program in a lower-level language. Among the universal assemblers, cross-assemblers are separately distinguished, which are able to assemble an executable module or machine codes for other operating systems and architectures.

Step 2

Assembling is not the first and not the last stage on the way of obtaining executable modules of the program. For example, some high-level compilers may produce results in assembly language programs. In the future, the assembler itself is responsible for processing such a program. In addition, the result of assembly may not be an executable module, but an object one, which will contain machine code and program data in disparate blocks. Executable files are then produced from these using link editors.

Step 3

Assemblers for the DOS system are the most well known. Of these, TASM, MASM and WASM can be distinguished into a separate group. At one time, the simplest assembler in the form of A86 was also very popular.

Step 4

When the Windows operating system began to be widely used, the developers launched TASM. This is an unofficial package that was created by a person named "! TE". This language made it possible to create various programs in Windows environments. Currently, the development of this program is officially stopped. The environment has become unofficial, but it makes working with the compiler much easier.

Step 5

Microsoft officially supports another product, the Microsoft Macro Assembler. It is still being developed, the latest versions are included in many kits. However, the version that was aimed at creating programs for DOS systems stopped development.

Step 6

An open source assembler project has been developed today. Its versions have become available for various operating systems. This set also allows you to obtain object files for these systems. This assembler is called NASM.

Step 7

Yasm is a rewritten version of NASM from scratch with a few exceptions. The young FASM assembler is banned from re-licensing.