Advertising in Russia already existed in the 10th century. Until the 15th century, almost all advertising existed in oral form. Later, it began to spread on paper. Advertising on television in Russia appeared only after the beginning of perestroika.

Advertising in Russia from the X-XVII centuries
Since the 10th century, in order to attract buyers, sellers from the counters have loudly praised their goods. Also wealthy merchants could afford to hire barkers, that is, today's promoters. The peddlers advertised the goods with folding songs and jokes.
Beginning from the XV-XVI centuries, the means of transmitting advertising have expanded significantly. Luboks are becoming very popular - beautiful and interesting images that contain as much information as possible. Originally, splints were not intended for advertising, they were simply used to decorate palaces and houses. But after the 16th century, popular prints began to appear as small billboards and posters.
Advertising in the 18th-19th centuries
The newspaper was one of the most effective ways of advertising in Russia until 1991. Until the 90s, television did not broadcast advertisements, the Internet did not yet have such popularity and development, besides, Russian residents did not even have an idea about it. The first prototype of the newspaper appeared in the 17th century and was called "Chimes". At first, the "Chimes" were distributed only among the royal court and broadcast news from abroad.
In the 18th century, the Chimes were edited and distributed among ordinary people, already under the name Vedomosti. Later “Vedomosti” was renamed “St. Petersburg Vedomosti” and became the first real Russian newspaper with a constant periodicity of publication. Gradually, advertisements from craftsmen, artisans and merchants began to fill the newspaper. Newspaper editors began to earn additional income by allowing them to advertise.
Already in the 19th century, advertising in Russia was the same engine of the economy as in other countries. At the shelves of the shops, one could see colored posters that advertise cosmetics, sewing machines, cigarettes, coffee, chocolate, tea. A distinctive feature of Russian advertising was that it was unobtrusive, understandable and pleasant. It lacked the aggression that was inherent in Western advertising.
Advertising in Russia in the XX-XXI centuries
During the Soviet period, people had a rethinking of the importance of advertising. In contrast to Western countries in Russia, advertising has become simple, understandable and artless. Its purpose has also changed. There was no competition in the Soviet Union, the state had a monopoly on absolutely all products, and advertising simply informed people about the product.
However, there was another advertisement during the Soviet period. For example, in many institutions one could see posters depicting a Soviet woman calling to fight for the Motherland. Rumors spread among the people about how poorly people live in capitalist countries. Films were shown on television showing how well Russia is beginning to live under the leadership of the Soviet regime.
After the collapse of the USSR, a colorful foreign advertisement poured into Russia. Domestic and foreign advertising agencies began to appear. Nowadays advertisements can be seen at every step. Any site can sell space on a web page for advertising.
In the period from 1917 to 1991, advertising in Russia ceased to be economic in nature, since the beginning of the 90s, advertising has already become a separate business, closely interacting with other spheres of the economy. Since 2000, Russian advertising no longer differs from foreign.