If you are an advertiser, you know that the company that produced your non-commercial advertisement usually does not register it. And the law "On Advertising" in force in the Russian Federation obliges you to first obtain permission from local authorities for placement, only then you have the right to mount an advertising structure. This way you can document that the design is safe for citizens.

Step 1
To register non-commercial advertising, collect the package of necessary documents. Take an extract from the unified state register that you are a legal entity, certified by the company seal.
Attach a copy of the certificate that you are included in the unified State Register, certified by the company seal.
Step 2
Add a copy of the information letter stating that the organization is registered with the EGRPO, certified by the company seal.
Prepare a copy of the certificate from the tax office that you are registered and have a TIN certified by the company seal.
Step 3
Attest with a notary a copy of the certificate that you have ownership of the building, a copy of the lease agreement with the owner or with a person who has rights to the property, a copy of a certificate from the BTI in Form 1A, about the asset holder of the premises in the current year. This certificate is valid for a calendar year. Add explication and floor plan.
Step 4
Conduct technical expertise. Take a conclusion.
Make a copy of the SNRI technical project. Make sure that all electrical wiring diagrams are indicated in the project.
If the company uses a trademark, please attach your trademark registration certificate and permission to use.
Step 5
Approve the Design Project of SNRI in accordance with the requirements of the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Construction. Check the anchoring of the scale and color to the placement.
Keep in mind that if the dimensions of the sign or advertising installation occupy an area of more than 6 square meters, then a drawing is required upon registration, as well as a calculation of the wind load. Indicate the electricity wiring diagram, attach the Mosexpertiza Conclusion. These additional rules also apply to brackets that are more than 2 meters high.
Step 6
According to article 54 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a sign, it is also a non-commercial advertisement, must contain information about the profile of the enterprise. The list of services or products is not used in this case. You have the right to place trademarks, service marks, decorative items on non-commercial advertisements.