What Is Global Warming

What Is Global Warming
What Is Global Warming

Surely most people have the impression that a thaw is coming on Earth. New hypotheses about global warming appear almost every day and old ones are refuted. So what exactly is global warming and what is the problem of climate change?

What is global warming
What is global warming

Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the surface layer of the World Ocean and the Earth due to several reasons (an increase in volcanic and solar activity, an increase in greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere). For the first time they started talking about it in the sixties of the twentieth century. And since then, scientists have been racking their brains over the current problem, refuting each other's assumptions and theory.

The power of nature is colossal: the elements, floods, rising sea levels and storms. This climate change is gradually changing the image of our planet. And these quirks are already becoming the norm and do not seem to be something unusual. People hear the expression "global warming" all the time, but there is a truly frightening reality behind these terrible words.

The planet is gradually warming up, and this has catastrophic effects on the glaciers and frozen caps of the Earth. Temperatures are rising and the ice is starting to melt, and ocean levels are rising twice as fast as they were one hundred and fifty years ago.

Global climatic changes are quite complex, so modern scientists and science cannot give humanity an unambiguous answer about what awaits people in the near future. There are several development scenarios: warming will occur gradually (that is, thousands of years will pass before it will be possible to judge a tangible climate change), global warming will occur rather quickly (as a result, the number of natural disasters will double). Global warming will be replaced by a short-term cooling; a greenhouse disaster will begin.

The increase in average annual temperature will be felt strongly over the continents rather than over the oceans. That will cause in the future a radical restructuring of continental natural zones. With further warming of the surface layer of the atmosphere, the tundra may completely disappear from the European part of Russia or partially remain on the Arctic coast of Siberia.

Global warming can affect animal habitats. The population change of some organisms is already observed in the corners of the globe. Many commercial fish can be found where they could not have been before. The rise in temperature and humidity creates excellent conditions for the development of diseases. Accelerated reproduction of microorganisms can increase the incidence of allergies, asthma and various respiratory diseases.

There is an opinion that in the future man will try to take control of the Earth's climate. But how successful it will be, only time will tell. If humanity does not come to this and does not change its own way of life in time, people will face the fate of dinosaurs.
