How The Palm Tree Blooms

How The Palm Tree Blooms
How The Palm Tree Blooms

In southern countries, palms are the most common trees and delight many people with their bright appearance. Also, some gardeners grow palm trees at home.

The beauty of palm trees is mesmerizing
The beauty of palm trees is mesmerizing

Basically, the palm tree attracts people with its leaves, which in shape resemble a half-open fan or plumage of birds. It is also very pleasant to look at a flowering palm tree, but only a few representatives of these trees have this property. In particular, these include Hovea (Kentia), Hamerops, Hamedorea, and Trachikarpus.

It is not so often possible to see the color of a palm tree at home. Basically, the palm tree blooms already at a more mature age. Usually, its flowering is not associated with the seasons.


Hamedorea is also called "mountain palm". It is well adapted to indoor conditions and grows up to a meter in length. Hamedorea tends to flower at a younger age than other palms, and its bloom does not depend on the seasons. Very often this plant is sold already in blooming form. Thin long chamedorea inflorescences are strewn with ears of small flowers in reddish-orange tones.

Hovea (Kentia)

This tree grows quite large at home. It is not too demanding on environmental parameters. However, cases of flowering of decorative Hovea are very rare. If Hovea blooms, then in adulthood, and its color resembles several arrows fired in solid small yellow balls. Flowering is possible only with perfect care for the palm tree.


This palm is more a shrub than a tree. It has a squat shape with many wide leaves. Hamerops can reach a length of about 2-3 meters. It blooms at a relatively young age and heterosexual flowers can be found in one bloom. Hamerops usually bloom in spring and early summer. Its inflorescences are usually short, about 25 cm, with many yellow flowers.


Indoors, this fan palm can reach a height of about three meters. It begins to bloom after the trunk begins to grow. Flowering usually begins in late spring, but a few months before that, small green flowers appear on the palm in the form of small bunches. Later, flowering takes the form of a large branched panicle with countless beautiful yellow flowers.

Date palm

The date palm is a straight tree, reaching a height of 30 meters. Its trunk is covered with the remains of dead petioles. Date palm leaves are long, feathery, arranged in a bunch at the top of the tree. This palm tree blooms with small yellow flowers, collected in paniculate inflorescences. In indoor conditions, the tree grows up to a maximum of 2-3 meters. Domestic date palms do not bloom. After all, flowering begins only when the tree grows 5 meters.
