Why Did It Rain Red In India?

Why Did It Rain Red In India?
Why Did It Rain Red In India?

In June 2012, residents of the small Indian town of Kannur witnessed an unusual phenomenon. An intense red rain, like drops of blood, fell on the ground. Scientists around the world are trying to unravel the cause of this natural mystery. But an exhaustive explanation has not yet been found.

Why did it rain red in India?
Why did it rain red in India?

Meanwhile, this is not the first time such a miracle has happened in India. In 2001, in the same state of Kerala, where the city of Kannur is located, it was already raining red. Then the unique phenomenon was repeated five years later. And now - again "rivers of blood" from heaven. Scientists examine samples of unusual water and put forward versions regarding its color.

At first, a version appeared that the phenomenon was explained by the presence in the water of sand from the Sahara and volcanic ash brought in by the monsoon from the west. But they could not really substantiate this theory, so they rejected it.

Then it was suggested that the red color of the rain was given by microscopic spores of the Trentepohlia algae found in the area. This hypothesis was put forward by experts back in 2001, when the red shower was for the first time. Then they said that one milliliter of rainwater could contain up to 9 million spores. However, this theory was not confirmed either.

In the course of studying the red liquid, chemists and biologists found out that the substance that colored it is of an organic nature. Moreover, when heated to 121 ° C, it begins to multiply. And most importantly, it does not contain traces of DNA and RNA.

“These are truly unusual biological cells,” said Chandra Wickramesinge, an astronomer who has studied the phenomenon with microbiologists at Cardiff University. A physicist from the University. Mahatma Gandhi Godfrey Louis suggested that rain is of extraterrestrial origin.

In his opinion, the mysterious particles entered the Earth's atmosphere along with the meteorite. The heavenly body exploded and scattered the cells everywhere, they fell into the clouds, and then spilled along with the rain.

Soon there were opinions that red particles are the so-called "spores of life", from which new forms of organisms can develop on our planet. But as a result of further research, it turned out that at such a high temperature in which cells begin to multiply, they still cannot continue the reproductive cycle. This gave rise to questioning the controversy theory.

However, the researchers have established a connection between the color of the particles and the type of radiation coming from the Red Square nebula located at a distance of 2,300 light-years from Earth. And this fact is suggestive. Research is currently ongoing.
