The rosary is an ancient sacred instrument used in many religions. They can be found in the hands of a Muslim, Christian and even a Buddhist. The rosary is loved not only by believers, but also by doctors, astronomers, philosophers … Of course, a certain magical power is hidden in the rosary, but how to sort it out correctly in order to master it?

Step 1
For religious purposes and spiritual practices, beads have been used since ancient times. The systematic fingering of the beads with your fingers helps to achieve the necessary state of rest and balance and gives the only correct mood. If you want to achieve religious enlightenment or just want to pray, turn your rosary beads slowly and deliberately. Start with the largest bead and move along the rosary with your thumb and middle finger and read the prayers. One prayer should correspond to each bead. In this way, you will maintain a focused state and will be able to achieve greater concentration than with the usual monotonous utterance of sacred words.
Step 2
Use rosary beads to help you focus and calm yourself. With nervous tension, hard mental and emotional work, as well as severe stress, it is recommended to touch the rosary in order to bring yourself into balance. It doesn't really matter how you do it - sorting the beads slowly, counting to ten each time, or feverishly fiddling with them in your hands, trying to calm down - the main thing is to distract from the thoughts that torment your soul and, due to monotonous movements, bring them into the subconscious calmness and regularity.
Step 3
Fine motor skills of the fingers are extremely beneficial for health. If you have migraines, rub the beads well with your fingertips. In addition, there are many acupuncture points on the hand, massage of which has a beneficial effect on the entire body. If you are a manual worker and strain your fingers all day, you just need to fingering the rosary. These manipulations will help the brushes to relax and return the sensitivity that was lost during the day.