What Are The Parts Of The Ship Called

What Are The Parts Of The Ship Called
What Are The Parts Of The Ship Called

When looking at an ocean-going ship, it is not always possible to imagine how many parts it consists of. The external forms of the structure, the contours of the hull and deck superstructures are first striking. Meanwhile, any ship is a complex system that includes a number of elements, each of which has its own purpose and name.

What are the parts of the ship called
What are the parts of the ship called

The main parts of the ship

The basis of any ship, be it a small craft, a sailboat or a giant ocean liner, is its hull. It consists of a set, which includes rigid longitudinal and transverse elements, as well as a skin that is attached to the set from the outside. The set, in combination with the hull, gives the boat a smooth outline, watertightness and protection of the hull from damage. This is a kind of backbone, the skeleton of a ship.

Conventionally, the body can be divided into two parts. The front is called the bow, and the rear is called the stern. The part of the ship that is below the waterline is called underwater. Everything that rises above the surface of the water is the surface of the ship. The stern and bow on either side of the centerline are connected by sides.

The horizontal surface at the top of the hull is called the deck. It has long been recruited from boards tightly fitted to each other. One or more vertical masts are installed on the decks of sailing ships, to which sails and rigging equipment are attached.

Large ships are equipped with a superstructure in their upper part. This structure serves as a continuation of the sides and can occupy a significant part of the deck area. The massive superstructure allows efficient use of the space on the deck, but worsens the stability of the ship and increases its windage. A wheelhouse, which is part of the superstructure, is intended to control the ship.

Other structural elements of the ship

In the middle and bow of the ship, you can often see the continuation of the side, rising slightly above the surface of the deck. This lightweight construction made of wood or heavy canvas is called a bulwark. It can be stationary or temporary. Bulwarks are indispensable during rough seas, when passing dangerous reefs and sailing.

They have their own names and elements of the set of the vessel. The main longitudinal part of the structure, which runs along the entire hull in its lower part, is called the keel. In front, the keel passes into an inclined stem. The aft end of the keel is called the sternpost. The steering wheel is usually hung on it. The propeller shaft can also be passed through the sternpost. This part of the structure should be the most durable, because the load on it during movement is very high.

Parallel to the keel, stringers are located on the sides and bottom of the vessel, providing internal longitudinal connections. They are connected to the transverse elements of the set - frames. These parts of the structure, together with the stringers, just give the body the outer contours and smooth outlines. The cladding is attached to such longitudinal and transverse ties.
