What Is Respawn

What Is Respawn
What Is Respawn

Respawn is a term in computer games that denotes the place where players, objects and characters appear at the beginning of a game session, when connected to a server, when respawning after death.

What is respawn
What is respawn

In single-player computer games, respawn points are usually located at the beginning of the level or at checkpoints at which automatic saving takes place. This is done so that the player does not have to start the passage of the level all over again after death. Such intermediate autosave points make it possible to interrupt the game in order to resume it after; explore alternative ways to complete the level; correct your past mistakes. All this improves the playability of the gameplay.

Such control points (checkpoints) usually have a special graphic design, the ability to restore health and ammunition after recovery.

Amount of points

In multiplayer computer games, the respawn location is often randomly selected on the map or selected from strictly defined points. As a rule, all respawn places are located in safe zones, around which there are no enemies or there are neutral characters. In multiplayer games, a player that appears can be protected from destruction for a certain time or until it goes beyond the boundaries of the respawn. If no protection is provided for the player who appears, the respawn points can be mined by other players, fired at in order to instantly destroy the player who has appeared, but has not yet orientated himself. This method is often used for easy kill.

In some games, the player has the ability to choose a respawn point from a specific set. If there are a lot of respawn points and there is the possibility of teleportation between them, the game has the ability to make telefrags - kill other players, teleporting to another respawn point, deliberately or accidentally.

Respawn enemies and items

The respawn points of AI-controlled enemies, or the respawn point of the opposing team, are usually significantly removed from the player's spawn point. However, in recent computer games, enemy recovery is used less and less.

Many games have spawn points for various items that appear repeatedly at regular intervals. These items can improve the player's weapon or defense, restore the character's health, or have other game value. In order not to litter the game location with these items, they automatically disappear if they are not picked up within a certain time.