How To Purge A Battery

How To Purge A Battery
How To Purge A Battery

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The quality of heating in an apartment or house largely depends on how well the heating system is prepared for work. Before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to check the devices included in the system and eliminate their malfunctions. But it happens that apparently serviceable heating batteries do not heat up as expected from the start of operation. This may be due to an air lock in the battery. In this case, the system must be purged.

How to purge a battery
How to purge a battery


  • - a key to open the Mayevsky crane;
  • - screwdriver;
  • - adjustable wrench;
  • - capacity (small bucket);
  • - kerosene or WD-40 liquid;
  • - rag.


Step 1

Check if the heating system is malfunctioning due to the formation of an air lock. A characteristic feature is a distinct "gurgling" in the battery and pipes; In this case, the radiator remains completely or partially cold, although it is known for sure that hot water is supplied to the system.

Step 2

The reason for the lack of necessary heating of the radiator is insufficient water circulation in the system, as a result, the battery “heats itself”. If this is the case, proceed with purging the system.

Step 3

If the batteries are equipped with a thermostat, open the valve fully. In some cases, this is sufficient to restore the required water circulation.

Step 4

If there is no thermostat, open the air valve. If the radiators are installed correctly, then they have it (for example, the so-called "Mayevsky tap"). Using a special wrench, slightly unscrew the valve to bleed air from the battery. If the key is missing, use any suitable tool, such as a screwdriver. You should hear a clear and loud hiss. This sound indicates that air is escaping from the system.

Step 5

Bleed air from the system, bleeding it off little by little. After the air is completely out, water will flow from the tap. Place a rag or a bowl or bucket under the valve beforehand. Too much water does not need to be drained from the battery, you just need to wait until it flows evenly and the hissing completely stops. Then close the valve tightly.

Step 6

If the battery is not equipped with a dedicated air release valve, use another method. Take an adjustable wrench and a special fluid (kerosene or WD-40). Apply liquid to the radiator plug located at the top end (in the area of the threads).

Step 7

After 10-15 minutes, start slowly and carefully unscrewing the cap until you hear a hiss. Wait for water to appear, after covering the threaded connection with a rag and placing a bucket underneath. After the hissing stops, tighten the plug tightly. It is advisable to put several turns of the FUM sealing tape under the thread.
