In Which Countries Do Oranges Grow

In Which Countries Do Oranges Grow
In Which Countries Do Oranges Grow

Oranges, like other citrus fruits, require special conditions for harmonious growth and development. Their habitual habitat is the subtropics, it is there that huge orange orchards are a familiar picture.

Orange trees
Orange trees

The habitat of oranges

The most orange region of the planet is the Mediterranean. In Turkey and Egypt, huge orange forests grow everywhere, and you can see orange juice or the orange trade at every turn.

In the wild, oranges can hardly grow. If they grow, then their fruits become smaller, become not so sweet and juicy. Orange is a hybrid plant, it has many varieties. The sweet orange well known to the whole world, exactly the one that is brought to the middle lane all winter, has the best indicators of sweetness and nutritional value, therefore it is cultivated to the best of the climate around the world.

Oranges grow over large areas in Iraq, Iran, Egypt, China, Abkhazia, Pakistan and India. Oranges grow successfully in winter gardens in Russia and England, this exotic has taken root among plant lovers. Although the fruits of such oranges cannot be compared with those grown on plantations, it looks very beautiful and unusual.

What conditions does an orange need for life

The homeland of the orange is Southeast Asia. From there, travelers brought it and began to cultivate it back in the 15th century. An orange tree usually grows from 4 to 12 meters, depending on the variety. The orange tree itself is a hybrid of a mandarin and a pomelo, which has become widespread in China.

For the transportation of oranges in Argentina, a special plane was developed, and its name is translated as "orange" or "orange dealer". In most countries, growing oranges is an important part of the economy.

During transportation, the fruits are easily spoiled, and that is why they are plucked unripe for transportation, packing each one separately in paper.

In addition to moisture and temperature, the composition of the soil is important for citrus fruits. That is why it is not easy for an orange to grow in the middle lane, because the land it needs is much lighter and more nutritious than the soil in our latitudes.

Useful properties of oranges

Orange juice and fruits contain many vitamins and are effective as an antiscorbutic agent. Oranges are recommended for hypovitaminosis, diseases of the liver, blood vessels and heart. All citrus fruits are rich in pectins, which improve digestion.

Since this fruit is able to enrich the body with all possible trace elements, its regular consumption can prevent viral diseases in the autumn-winter period.

But this fruit is not recommended for diseases of the stomach or intestines, as its juice has a very irritating effect. Due to its high sugar content, it should be consumed with caution.
