Where Do Oranges Come From

Where Do Oranges Come From
Where Do Oranges Come From

Delicious sweet juicy orange is one of the favorite fruits of many children and adults. This fragrant bright citrus is able not only to fill the body with vitamins, but also to improve mood.

Where do oranges come from?
Where do oranges come from?

The origin of the word "orange"

Translated into Russian, the word "Apfelsine" means "Chinese apple". The name itself symbolizes the country in which this fruit grows in great abundance. If you look at the deeper roots of the word "orange", you will notice that it is associated with the Dravidian word "aroma", which is also very symbolic. After all, oranges are incredibly fragrant fragrant fruits that can fill an entire room with their scent in a matter of minutes.

In the XIV century, the word "orange" appeared in English and began to sound like "orange". Later, the word took its origin from the name of the color, which coincides in color with the peel of a bright juicy fruit.

Homeland of oranges

The historical homeland of oranges is China, and these fruits appeared there more than 4 thousand years ago. Orange trees come in sweet or sour fruits. It was sour citrus varieties that originally came to Europe. It happened at the beginning of the 15th century. The existence of sweet fruits in these countries was not even known at that time. Later, around the end of the 15th century, when trade and economic ties between the West and the East were established, the sweet fruit came to Europe. This juicy sweet citrus began to be considered a luxury and only very wealthy noble people could afford it. Therefore, in the 15th century, orange trees in Europe grew only in the gardens of kings and nobles. The climate of cold European countries did not allow orange trees to grow in open ground, so closed greenhouses were built for them.

It is impossible to find sweet oranges in the wild. They were bred and grown by the Chinese, and then they spread them to other countries.

In Russia, juicy fragrant fruits appeared only in the 18th century. Prince Menshikov heard from his overseas comrades about the miracle fruit and decided to grow them in huge greenhouses around his palace. Catherine II after some time gave the beautiful palace, surrounded by orange trees, the beautiful name "orange tree". Later, they even invented a special coat of arms, which is a silver canvas with an orange tree depicted on it.

The benefits of oranges

Wonderful orange citrus fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and salts that the body needs. Most of all, oranges are valued precisely because of their high content of ascorbic acid and potassium. With the external effect of orange juice on wounds and cuts, the healing effect of the fetus is observed. And above all, oranges are a wonderful antidepressant.
