How It Shocks

How It Shocks
How It Shocks

Working with electrical networks and appliances requires increased attention and safety precautions. If you neglect the elementary safety rules, it is quite possible to get a very sensitive electric shock. Electric shock affects the state of health and most often does not pass without leaving a trace for the body. And in some cases, electric shock can be fatal.

How it shocks
How it shocks

Signs and effects of electric shock

Electric shock in almost all cases is accompanied by characteristic symptoms and external signs, which are largely determined by the path along which the current passed, as well as its strength. A person who is electrocuted often experiences painful sensations in the place where the current source touches the body. Often, a burn or a rounded speck appears on the body, which rises slightly above the surface of the skin.

After a mild electric shock, a person usually feels quite well. Dizziness, nausea, and headaches are possible. Some have photophobia and sparks in their eyes. If the injury is severe enough, an electric shock can lead to loss of consciousness, impaired heart function, and decreased sensitivity to pain and temperature. After returning to consciousness, speech arousal may be observed.

An especially strong electric shock can disrupt breathing, up to a complete stop. As a rule, breathing is restored when contact with the current source is broken.

In medicine, there are cases of so-called chronic electrical injuries. They are usually obtained by those who for a long time directly work with current sources, for example, with transformers or generators. Such injuries cause disturbances in the functions of perception, memory and sleep. A person with chronic electrical injury is more likely to experience rapid fatigue.

Severity of electrical injuries

There are four degrees of severity of injuries sustained by electric shock. First-degree trauma leads to muscle convulsive contraction without loss of consciousness. In case of second-degree trauma, short-term loss of consciousness is added to the described symptoms without disrupting the work of the cardiovascular system. Breathing is usually preserved.

Trauma of the third degree leads to severe convulsions, accompanied by loss of consciousness, malfunctioning of the heart and respiratory system. The last, fourth degree of electric shock leads to clinical death.

In all cases, the first step is to interrupt the contact of the victim with the current conductor.

When an electric shock occurs, the body experiences an electrochemical effect, often leading to tissue necrosis. Thermal burns of varying intensity are possible. Electric shock also carries a mechanical effect: body tissues can exfoliate, which is caused by overexcitation of muscles and nerve endings.