Chinese Circus: Traditions And Peculiarities

Chinese Circus: Traditions And Peculiarities
Chinese Circus: Traditions And Peculiarities

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The history of the Chinese circus goes back more than 2 millennia. All this time, generations of artists and performance organizers have carefully preserved the original traditions of craftsmanship and genre originality of the repertoire.

Chinese circus: traditions and peculiarities
Chinese circus: traditions and peculiarities


Step 1

In order to fully appreciate the originality of Chinese circus art, you should take a closer look at the format of the show itself. Today, circus art is considered a national treasure in China. Many people call the Chinese circus the eighth wonder of the world. But the format of the performances is more like a traditional European theater. In the Chinese circus, there is no arena, but there is a stage in front of which the audience is seated. Perhaps this explains the incredible popularity of the Chinese circus in the world, because the performance does not require any special structures or strange rituals. Everything, except for the tricks themselves, is quite familiar and understandable to an ordinary European viewer.

Step 2

However, the Chinese circus is recognized as one of the most original and spectacular circuses in the world. This is due to the extreme complexity of the numbers and the filigree technique of performance. The artistic style is incredibly light and casual. Despite the fact that in the Chinese circus, almost all tricks are performed by children and adolescents, and adults assist them. The originality of the compositions is also striking. As you know, the Chinese state was isolated from the influence of its neighbors on the continent for a long time. This determined the conditions for the development of unique genres, which are fully represented to this day. Performances such as juggling with kitchen utensils, balancing on chairs and benches, and manipulating ancient melee weapons still delight audiences.

Step 3

Acrobatic numbers deserve separate words. This includes jumping into the rings, and stunning pyramids, and demonstrations of exceptional flexibility, in which you can also unmistakably recognize the distinctive manner of performance of Chinese artists. Everything is performed at a fantastically fast pace and as smoothly as possible. It should be noted that circus performances in ancient times consisted mainly of acrobatic performances. To this day, acrobats and equilibrists from the Middle Kingdom are considered the trendsetters of world fashion in these genres.

Step 4

What has been said, however, does not mean that the art of Chinese circus performers is conserved, "museum" and devoid of development. To feel this, try to attend the performances of the Beijing State Circus or any other circus group from the Middle Kingdom that have been touring the country for the past 10 years. You will see that the influence of European circus culture is still present. This is reflected in the musical accompaniment of the numbers, when the works of Tchaikovsky or Puccini are played, and the costumes recognizable from the frames of Hollywood blockbusters. Some compositions represent a unique fusion of cultures and styles, ancient Chinese and avant-garde, inherent in the circus du Soleil.

Step 5

Such a synthesis of the cultural mainstream with the oldest tradition of world civilization gives absolutely amazing results. The credit for this, of course, belongs to the directors and producers of the show, who skillfully and skillfully combine aesthetic needs, taste preferences and cultural characteristics of the modern viewer.
