Since childhood, have you dreamed of English teas, flat green lawns, the best football in the world and the famous London fogs? Or did you just happen to find yourself in the country glorified by Conan Doyle and fall in love with it at first sight? And now the thought of how to stay in England haunts you. England does not pursue a broad immigration policy, but even a native of Uryupinsk still has a chance of becoming an Englishman.

Step 1
Work in England for a few years on a work visa. To get it, you need to be a top-class professional with good work experience. If you work well and your employers renew your visa several times, then after 10 years of legal residence in the country you can obtain permanent resident status.
Step 2
Prove to the British government that you have at least £ 200,000 and you dream of investing in an English business. This is the minimum amount. Better, of course, to have at least a million - then your candidacy will be considered with greater favor. You will be able to live in the country without any problems, leave it and return as you please, and after five years, provided that you behaved law-abiding, you will be granted the right to permanent residence in England.
Step 3
Get your higher education in England and go to graduate school. In this case, you can apply to the Immigration Office for an extension of your student visa. In the event that after graduating from graduate school you find a job in your specialty, you can stay in England by exchanging a study visa for a work visa.
Step 4
Marry a British citizen. You will be allowed to live in the country on a visa, and after three years of living in England you can try to get the right to permanent residence. You will have a good chance if you have not left the country for more than 270 days in three years and have never violated immigration rules.
Step 5
Live in England for at least 14 years and apply for permanent residence. If you managed to live in the country for so many years, it doesn't matter how legal this method was. In England, there is a rule of "long legal-illegal stay", according to which you have the right to obtain the status of a citizen of the country after 14 years of residence in it.