Why Does The Bride Need A Veil

Why Does The Bride Need A Veil
Why Does The Bride Need A Veil

Veils at all times played a protective function. She was called to hide her owner from the views of envious people and evil spirits. Often the veil symbolized the innocence of the bride, and the ritual of taking it off was the beginning of family life.

Why does the bride need a veil
Why does the bride need a veil

The history of the veil and its meaning

The veil at the dawn of its appearance was made of dense, opaque fabric. She completely covered the girl's face from prying eyes and even from the gaze of her future husband. Later, the veil was sewn from lace and transparent silk. She stopped "hiding" the bride and was called to add grace to her. For some peoples, this wedding attribute indicated the power of a man over a woman.

In ancient Rome, the veil was red and emphasized female love and obedience. Yellow is the choice of the beautiful part of humanity in Ancient Greece. It took a long time to sew the item, as it had to be exquisite and very long. It was believed that such a veil is able to bring peace and well-being to the couple's family life.

In Russia, initially, the function of a veil was performed by an ordinary scarf, which was used to cover the bride's face. During the wedding, the woman was considered as if "dead", so not a single living soul should have seen her. Later, the scarf was replaced with a more attractive attribute, which was kept in the house after the wedding. The veil was taken out only at the birth of the first child, it was fixed over the cradle and it was believed that part of the wedding dress would protect the baby from trouble and give a restful sleep.

Veil appeared in Europe thanks to the Crusades. The snow-white veil enveloping the bride was a symbol of her “death” for the former family and the transition to her own. Over time, fashion has made its own nuances and adjustments, multi-colored wedding accessories, veils embroidered with silver and gold have gained popularity. In the Middle Ages, the length of the veil emphasized the high affluence of the bride's family. Quite often the veil “followed” the girl for a few more meters.

Veil removal traditions

The bride's face was revealed only after the official ceremony. Without fail, it also had to be open at the wedding, which testified to her openness to God. In ancient times, a veil taken off by a husband or mother-in-law showed the girl's readiness to obey a new family. If the bride herself took off the accessory, she declared her desire for an equal relationship with her husband.

According to Russian custom, the veil was removed before the newlyweds left the hall and gave it to a friend. Today this custom has lost its relevance and has been replaced by throwing a wedding bouquet.

In the modern world, the veil has remained an exceptionally beautiful wedding attribute. She is often rented, sold, given or thrown away altogether, forgetting about what kind of personal energy she carries with her.
