The bicycle is one of the most democratic modes of transport. After all, children, adults, and even elderly people will be able to ride it. The bike can be used for family walks, it is very healthy, and in general, it is just pleasant to ride it. And in order to choose the right one for you is great, you need to know very little.

Step 1
Bicycles are usually categorized into children, teenagers and adults. In addition, there are male and female versions. Also large can be conditionally divided into tourist, city, highway and mountain. Moreover, each of these types can be classified as an amateur, semi-professional and professional technique.
Step 2
One of the most common bicycles is the amateur one. It is perfect for both beginners and professionals. Its main advantages are a fairly low price and design versatility. Such a bicycle can be quickly repaired by yourself, since spare parts for it can be bought at any store.
Step 3
A semi-professional bike is much more expensive and of higher quality than an amateur one. This technique can be used to make complex cycling trips, so this model is more suitable for those who have chosen cycling as their hobby.
Step 4
And for professional athletes, special equipment is produced, which is sold by the piece and can cost as much as an average car. Maintenance of such bicycles is also expensive.
Step 5
But whichever bike you choose, you need to know and take into account its basic running characteristics. So, for example, the bike frame must be selected according to your height - its height should be about 10 cm below your waist. Also, the frame will not allow you to get tired of overstraining while riding.
Step 6
It is also very important to choose a bike with a comfortable saddle. Touring bikes are usually produced with long and wide saddles, while racing bikes are narrow and stiff. Bicycles with a wide saddle are best for women. The saddle can be adjusted for your comfort.
Step 7
Wheels take the last place when choosing a bike. This takes into account their size, rim, tires, and the number of spokes. Better to choose a bike with an aluminum rim. The spokes are also made primarily of aluminum. There are usually 32 of them, but mountain bike wheels, due to the greater load, are 36.
Step 8
It is also very important to have brakes on the bike. Most two-wheeled vehicles are equipped with foot brakes. But since in some models the pedals are not very convenient, it is better to choose a bike with hand brakes.