Organic cosmetics are not just a fashion trend. Today it is a clear indicator that humanity is beginning to realize its responsibility to the world, gradually rethinking its attitude to nature, ecology and to its own body.

Killing cosmetics
Cosmetics, in theory, should take care of the beauty and health of a person. However, today experts say that almost 90% of all substances used in the production of cosmetics are unsafe, if not toxic. In addition, the very process of producing cosmetics is damaging to the environment, and plastic packaging, in which numerous "beauty products" are sold, decompose for decades (or even centuries!), Polluting the environment.
Many do not even think about how the testing of cosmetics is carried out. Typically, research uses animals that go through real suffering in order to ensure that buyers are confident that the purchased lipstick or mascara is safe. More than 100 million animals die a painful death every year in the process of testing various products, of which 8% are in the cosmetic sector. Moreover, the manufacture of cosmetics is an area in which a person cannot justify his cruelty with any lofty goals: animals suffer and die not to save lives, but by human whim.
Organic cosmetics: benefits in their purest form
Organic cosmetics is a completely different matter. It is made using natural ingredients that are grown in ecologically clean corners of our planet, produced using technologies that are safe for the environment, and are not tested on animals. As a rule, manufacturers try to pack their goods in environmentally friendly packaging.
Certified organic cosmetics must contain a minimum of 95% natural ingredients. The use of synthetic substances is allowed, but the requirements for their quality are very strict: they must be absolutely non-toxic and harmless to humans.
Cruelty-free cosmetics
Another feature of organic cosmetics is a complete ban on testing products on animals. However, a product that has not passed the relevant studies cannot be considered safe to use. Without testing cosmetics, a manufacturing company will never receive an organic certification. Only these studies are carried out not on animals, but on volunteers.
Human testing of cosmetic products is not only an indicator of the manufacturer's humane attitude towards our smaller brothers. Some certification organizations generally do not consider testing cosmetics on animals as reliable evidence of their safety for humans: if a rat's body was able to cope with the toxic components of some lipstick, this does not mean that it will not have a negative effect on the girl's delicate lips.
In addition, organic cosmetics are almost 100% natural, primarily of plant origin. The most commonly used components of animal origin are milk and honey. All these substances have been used by humans for thousands of years, their use by many generations of people proves their safety and benefits for the body, which cannot be said about the synthetic components of conventional cosmetics.