Long before the reign of Peter the Great, hussars appeared in Russia. These are people who served in the mercenary cavalry. Usually hussars were recruited from Ukrainians, Hungarians, Poles and Tatars. This is not to say that these hussars had an orderly form. This concept had just begun to emerge, and their clothing was undergoing reform all the time.

Step 1
During the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, the outfit consisted of a mentic, a dolman, a tight-fitting leggings, a sash with interceptions, a tashka and a fur or felt hat. The hair of the hussars was braided in two braids. And unlike the rest of the army, they wore a long mustache.
Step 2
At the end of the eighteenth century, Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky began reforming the uniforms of the hussars. Now their clothes were in the German style: light, uncomfortable, tight, but fit without any wrinkles or folds. The hussars wore a powdered wig with braids and curls on their heads.
Step 3
The next person to change the dress of the hussars was Paul. Now their uniforms were of the Prussian-Gatchina pattern. The mentics and dolmans had forty-five buttons each: fifteen of them were large and thirty a little less. Over time, collars began to be made high with beveled corners. The hat had a high crown of black wool.
Step 4
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, a shako with a height of about 17 centimeters was introduced for the hussars. It was tall, almost cylindrical, slightly widened upward and had a clip-on visor. At the same time, the wearing of long hair, as well as powder and braids, were canceled.
Step 5
After 1810, the collars for the hussars were changed. Now they have become upright, tightly buttoned. The usual set of hussar ammunition included a "lyadunka". It was a small, rigid box for ammunition for hussar pistols. It was worn not in a pantalere belt over the left shoulder, placed at the back.
Step 6
During the reign of Nicholas I, a number of changes were made again. The color of the cuffs and cuffs was set the same as the color of the dolman. Wide overcoats made of red cloth with shoulder straps and collars were introduced. Since 1845, fur hats with scales were again included in the uniform.
Step 7
On hikes, hussars usually wore gray leggings, which at the outer seams had 18 buttons covered with gray cloth. During bad weather, each of them had a wide gray raincoat with a standing collar, which was fastened with one button.
Step 8
Over the next fifteen years, the hussar uniform was only slightly modified. Dolomans began to be called Hungarians. Mentiki also changed slightly: in color they became the same as Hungarian women. After some time, the mentics disappeared altogether. The caps were replaced by fur hats. The tashki were canceled.
Step 9
During World War I, hussars wore the same field uniforms as dragoons. And in hostilities they were used as ordinary cavalry.